Physical Education

A huge congratulations to Year 5 student, Finley Emmerson on his amazing efforts in getting to the State 1500m. Finley competed in the school event, moved on to Districts and Division and finally earned his spot as a competitor in the State Athletics Championships last week in Melbourne. Finally ran an outstanding race and finished with an impressive 11th position. We are so proud of him and how he has pushed himself to get this far. Brilliant running, Finley!!
Term 4 is a long one…12 weeks in total…that’s very long! Anyway, we’re already halfway through and we’re having a really good time. Year 3-6 have just finished up with their Ultimate Frisbee unit. Who would have thought frisbee could be so fun and so very competitive! From the very first session to the very last, everyone has shown so much improvement in their technique and movement throughout the game. Ultimate Frisbee is a tough game, it requires loads of stamina, coordination and teamwork which is why I was so excited to introduce the kids to it. If you ever get a chance, look it up on YouTube, it really is worth a watch!
The Preps-2s are almost finished their Athletics unit which we will complete with the Sports Carnival on the Friday of week 8. The year 5/6 students will be running the events but I’m definitely open to having some parent helpers around as well. Please let me know if you’re available on the 24th of November. Students will be competing in sprints, relays, egg and spoon races, long jump and the beanbag toss…they’re all very excited!
So, now for the rest of term… next week the year 3-6's will be playing some games of Quidditch, the game made famous by Harry Pooter and his Hogwarts mates. Unfortunately, the PE budget didn’t allow me to get my hands on some working broomsticks (Nimbus 2000s), however, we will adapt and make it as real as possible. After that, we’ll get stuck into our Street Hockey unit!! For the Prep-2s, we’ll be playing some more tag and strategy games!
Have a great week everyone!!