Principal's Report

LPS Staff 2024
I am very excited to announce our team for 2024. Please note that teachers will not be allocated to classes until later this term and these will be published in our final newsletter for 2023. The only roles I can announce at this time are the prep (foundation) teachers for next year, Andrew Hall and Nicole Presley. Please remember that staffing as in all workplaces, is subject to change at anytime. Term 4 is traditionally a very busy time for schools, we are of course still focusing on 2023 but are also having to caste our minds forward to planning for 2024. Over the next week, students will have the opportunity to nominate at least 4 other students that they believe they could work well with in 2024 and who would support them with their learning and wellbeing. These choices will help inform class lists for the new year.
Classroom teachers 2024
Jenna Rowe
Travis Moait
Claudia Zalmstra
Celeste Davis
Wiley Lewis
Nicole Presley
Andrew Hall
Naomi Whalan*
Jaclyn Milward*
Specialist teachers and subjects
Bridget Henkel - Visual Arts
Meagan Nash - Physical Education and Health Education
Tamsin Colquhoun - STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths)
Education Support Staff
Shantelle Grant
Vanessa Chambers
Kate Hindson*
Kaye Walker - SAKG coordinator
Office staff
Sharon Gledhill - Business Manager
Sharon Healy - Administration
Wellbeing /Mental Health in Primary Schools/Disability Inclusion Leader
Kirsty Slater
Targeted Learning Support/Learning Specialist
Bec Borg
Wendy Bleeck will be taking leave 2024. We wish her all the very best.
*New staff to LPS
Class structure 2024
Prep x 2
1/2 x 3
3/4 x 2
5/6 x 2
Student Lateness
Once again we are seeing an increase in student lateness, some students are often 10 to 15 late minutes or more, each day. Add this time up over a week or a fortnight and this really has a negative impact. Students miss out on participating in class morning circle, connecting with peers and teachers and miss important information and instructions that set everyone up for a successful day at school. It is also very disruptive when late students arrive in class. If you are having concerns or worries about getting your child/ren to school on time please let us know and we can help. Please remind your child/ren if they are late to enter the school via the office (and make themselves known to office st so that they can be signed in.
Prep 2024 Transition
We had a great turn out to our Prep information session last week with new (and returning) parents coming along to receive information about starting school and setting our incoming preps up for a smooth and successful beginning to their school journey. Our prep transition sessions begin very soon, the dates and times are as follows:
Tuesday 21st November 10-11am
Tuesday 28th November 10-11am
Tuesday 5th December 10-11am
Tuesday 12th December 10-11am
All students will be participating in whole school transition sessions later this term.
Year 6 News!
Our year 6s are excitedly getting ready for the end of year year 6 celebrations and I encourage you to support their upcoming fundraising event. The students are raising funds for their year 6 big day out and have been working hard on calculating costs and possible ideas. They are also of course looking forward to their year 6 Graduation which will be on Monday 11th of December. You can read more about this further in the newsletter.
Victorian High Ability Program - Congratulations
Congratulations to the following students who have participated in maths and literacy high ability online learning this year. The Victorian High-Ability program (run by Virtual School Victoria) has provided up to 48,000 high-ability students in Years 5 to 8 at government schools the opportunity to participate in 10-week online enrichment programs.
Niamh W
Sam S
Jack T
James O
Charlie B
Thomas H
Ezra C
Teddy W
Amelia N
Coming up....
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at our family picnic and concert coming up on Friday 1st of December 5-6.30pm. Everyone will gather on the basketball court area to enjoy each class presenting a song and perhaps a dance with this years theme of 'Animals'! Teachers will let you know if students are required to wear a certain colour etc for their performance.
Jenna will also be working with the choir and they will be presenting a tune.
BYO picnic snacks, blanket and chairs and please remember this is a NO ALCOHOL event.
Please support our Christmas Raffle by sending along an item for your child/ren's class hamper. This years hamper themes are:
Prep: Pamper and Indulge
1/2C Get Active
1/2J Get Creative
1/2W Get Cooking
3/4N Christmas
3/4T Summer Fun/BBQ
5/6C Holiday Deliciousness
5/6T Books, Games and Puzzles
Tickets are for sale $2 each and the hamper raffle will be drawn on Friday 8th of December at assembly.