From the Principal's desk

The silly season is upon us and in school parle that means end of year assessments, warm weather, tired students and teachers, graduation dinners, award ceremonies, new student information evenings, camps and excursions and end of year programs. It is a lot to fit in to a short period of time, especially when everyone is already tiring after a busy year. 


Still, we focus on the goal of finishing the year well with great results, with school holidays, celebrations, family gatherings and the beach as a Summer reward. 


Last week we had the Year 12 graduation dinner with our wonderful students, families and staff following the completion of their exams. The students looked resplendent in their stylish sports jackets and magnificent dresses. It was a little like revisiting the Presentation Ball but with more colour and less stress. Mrs Wendy Phillips as the Year 12 Coordinator was the key architect in organising the evening and Lemon Myrtle catered for the event with our Year 11 students as the kitchen and wait staff. 


It has been a busy couple of weeks with Year 12 students completing exams, T20 cricket matches, Biology excursions and orienteering. There has also been school golfing tournaments, tennis competitions and a very successful Western District Chess Competition held here in the newly refurbished gymnasium with students from across the region participating.


We have held Year 7, 2024 information nights for our new year 7 cohort and even conducted additional transition days for smaller schools and students who wish to quickly become familiar with a larger school layout. 


Exams for all students are underway this week as we move towards the conclusion of this year and beginning our Head Start program for 2024 classes. It is easy to let standards slip at this time of year and we ask families to support our young people to continue to develop good study habits, arriving on time and in uniform and ensuring that they get the most out of every minute of learning. 


Schooling is a 3 way partnership between the home, the student and the school and we need to continue to work together with strong communication and a united message that school days go quickly and to seize the day.