Spotlight on a 


Cooper Roberts, Year 9


Introducing Cooper Roberts, a Year 9 student who is one of our school's Library Monitors. Cooper is also a volunteer with St John's Ambulance. We chose to profile Cooper for this edition of our newsletter.






1. What made you want to become a library monitor? 

I guess it was the fact that I was always in the library, and I love to help.


2. What is it like being a library monitor?  

It’s good because I love to be able to help out around the library with things like activities and competitions.


3. How could you benefit from being a library monitor? 

It would be great for if you were looking to get a future job in a library or if you would like to go for a leadership role within the school.


4. What are your goals for the future?    

My goal is to become a paramedic with NSW ambulance and do what I love most to help people.


5. Why did you want to work with St John Ambulance?  

Well, I decided it would be a good start for me to learn a few things and make some new friends and meet some awesome people.


6. What do you enjoy most about working with them? 

I really enjoy the friends I have made and the awesome events I have been given the opportunity to go to.


7. How has working with St John Ambulance impacted you?   

It has helped me to learn some impactful skills like how to save a life.


8. Who do you look up to as a role model?   

The person I most look up to is my officer Tevin from my division. Tevin has helped me to progress in St John's Ambulance and allowed me to meet so many new people and I don’t know where I would be today in St John without Tevin.


We thank Cooper for allowing us to interview him and wish him all the best. What an amazing student to be volunteering for St John's Ambulance!


Cooper pictured below demonstrating life-saving techniques at our school's Multicultural Day!















During our school's Multicultural Day, Cooper and the amazing volunteers from St John's ambulance ran a stall in which they demonstrated first aid and CPR techniques. They ran a competition for students to guess how many first aid face shields were in a tub.

Pictured below are the winners of their competition. Congratulations to Max, Solomon and Lachlan.