Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Carers,
Term 3 has been a busy and very productive term. Term 4 promises to be equally fulfilling. I’d also like welcome Mrs Gouganovski back to the relieving principal role during Term 4 while I again relieve as a Director Educational Leadership (DEL).
As a school, we aim to develop, grow, and recognise all kinds of achievement. While we have a strong focus on improving the academic outcomes of our students, we believe that achievement takes many forms. To this end we try to offer a diverse range of opportunities for our students to take part in as well as running programs that ‘break down’ the barriers that can limit achievement.
To support this undertaking students have been able to participate in:
- The Gandangara Community Gathering: National Close the Gap Day.
- Living Out Loud Health Promotion Workshop: Fairfield Liverpool Youth Health Team (FLYHT): Yr 9.
- Action Education: Mentally Sound performance.
- Souths Cares: Mentoring of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
- South Sydney Rabbitohs Wellbeing: Healthy Relationships: Yr 7.
- Western Sydney University Justice Clinic: Street Law.
- Inspire 180: Motivational Speakers.
- Action Education: Backflips Against Bullying: Yr 7.
- PCYC: Haka Warriors Leadership Program.
- PCYC: Fit For Life Program.
- Inspire 180 program for boys.
- PATHE Leadership Summit.
- PCYC Haka Warriors: Competition Day.
- Bungee's: NSW Police Multicultural Community Liaison Officer.
- From the Roots.
- Olympics Unleashed.
- Wellness with Bec: Selected Yr 7 & 8 girls.
- Reconciliation Week
- NRL Mentoring Program.
- Iftar Dinner.
- Multicultural Day.
- Paint and Sip: Figurative Art.
- Science Week.
- Dance, music, and art programs: Dance festivals, Shinning Stars, School Spectacular, Haka Warriors, musical performances, Nagoya Sister City Art Exchange, Library art competition.
- School wide and faculty-based opportunities that grow academic, social/emotional, creative, and physical potential in our students.
- Boys and Girls Education programs.
- Cultural Awareness workshops.
- Sporting opportunities: Gala Days.
Our staff work hard every day to ensure we can develop all kinds of potential in our students. These extra-curricular opportunities sit alongside the enormous work taking place inside classrooms and assist to engage students more deeply in their learning.
To support the work, we do at school every day, we ask that you please work with us to ensure that your children:
- Arrive at school on time – 8.50am
- Attend school 90% or more. This is a legal requirement.
- Make good choices.
- Are always in uniform.
- Bring all equipment for learning.
- Understand the importance of attending all lessons.
- Respect everyone, every day.
- Always follow teacher instructions and expectations.
- Are safe on the playground and in the classroom.
- Are kind and caring.
- Always striving for excellence.
Some important reminders:
- Mobile Phones are banned from all NSW high schools as of Term 4 2023. Students cannot have a phone at school unless it is locked in their YONDR pouch.
- Our grounds are NOT supervised before 8.30am. Students who arrive after 8.30am, but before 8.50am can only be in the Main Quad. Students in our Support Unit who have special transport may arrive earlier and will be supervised by their teachers.
- The Busby Transit Way (T-Way) bus stop is not supervised. Please insist that your children do not stay in this area.
Congratulations to our Deputy Principal Anil Narayan and our Student Support Officer Julie Moon for having their exceptional work recognised at our Liverpool Principal Network Awards. It is wonderful to be able to acknowledge the amazing work they do.
I thank you for your continuing support and encourage you to work alongside us to achieve the very best for your children.
Together is Better
Ms Olimpia Bartolillo