Assistant Principal News

Our school student leaders held a touching service this morning, in honour of servicemen and women throughout the world, who have and continue to serve for their country. 


Take a moment to reflect on what this means for you and your family as we step forward into the 11th day of the 11th month of the year - Remembrance Day.


Congratulations to our School Captains for speaking on behalf of the student body and the House Captains for playing their role in raising the flags. LET WE FORGET


How To Avoid Holiday Conflict

Families all have different circumstances, which may see two separate homes being resided in for children. When it comes to making arrangements for holiday periods, both parents should remain reasonable and put the needs of the children first. In all cases, the best place to start making holiday arrangements is to abide by the terms set out in your agreement. Remember this is why they were made in the first place.


Discuss your proposed holiday with your ex-partner well in advance, prior to making any arrangements. Provide all the information including mode of transport, location, people who would be spending time with the children etc.


Avoid arguments in front of children and calmly address any concern your ex-partner may have. Any tension between the parents can seriously affect children, spoiling that time of year for everyone. Being prepared for some give and take, then remaining flexible, will go a long way to ensure happy times for everyone involved. Turn to your support people and services as necessary.  

For anyone requiring further advice, you can look into a local government provider: 




Leisel Ward