Instrumental Music Lessons

Information About Instrumental Music Lessons at Rowville Primary School in 2023
Dear Families,
Lessons for keyboard, guitar, ukulele, violin, cello, drums, saxaphone, clarinet, flute and trumpet are available for students from Foundation to Year 6 at Rowville Primary School. Classes are held on-site at school during the week. Families may indicate their time preferences for learning ie: before school, during the school day, lunchtime or after school. No specialist subjects are affected during school learning time.
Lessons for keyboard and guitar are mostly held in groups of up to 5 students per 30 minute lessons ($17.50) and 1:1 lessons are also available from $25 (20 minutes).
All other instruments are mostly held in 1:1 format, although small group learning (with friends or siblings) can also be arranged on request. AMEB or ANSCA exams are also available for interested students.
For keyboard (piano), guitar, ukulele, saxaphone, clarinet, flute & trumpet enrolments, please email for an INFORMATION/ENROLMENT FORM or phone Justin 0410 678 584.
For drums & percussion enrolments, please email Jim Nash or call 0413 041 381.
It is our goal to build an amazing musical culture at Rowville Primary School with bands, ensembles and regular performances taking place throughout the year. Jump on board and give your child the opportunity to learn music and enjoy the benefits that follow.