Garden and Environment

Garden and Environment News
It’s late Springtime and it's all systems go in the natural world.
Students have enjoyed observing the development of Ladybugs in the nymph and adult stages around our stone fruit trees. They are thriving with the warmer weather and the presence of aphids feeding on leaves.
Small hands have harvested very large broad beans, predicted the seed count, and opened them to see the smooth, bright green contents. Checking for eggs and collecting for kitchen continues to be a favourite task for younger and older students. Berries and currants are ripening and our daily harvest across all year levels is a real joy after waiting a whole year for berries to return. Simple joys such as digging through soil and under leaves to discover what lives below, and looking for tadpole activity in the Frog Bog are fun activities on these warm days.
A couple of recent learning program highlights have been Year Two exploring their location and climate by researching seeds suitable for germination in warmer soil temperatures and raising their own pea seedlings with varying success. Foundation students have examined different elements of soils such as clay, sand and composted matter and mixed to make soil. They have pulled carrots and swedes, spring onions and will soon harvest potatoes as part of their investigation into ‘What Lies Beneath’.
Our Year Six Students have selected and planted warm season seedlings into class group garden beds, as a legacy to future classes for kitchen and garden use in 2024.
Our Mulberry tree is very popular with students and families which we understand. We do ask though that students wait till class and Garden Club time on Monday and Thursday lunchtimes to harvest with a teacher. We make use of the mulberries in our kitchen and classroom programs, and we rely on the fruit for pre-planned sessions and recipes so please reinforce this message with your enthusiastic children.
Finally, thank you to Bunnings Scoresby for their kind donation of herbs and leafy green seedlings for our planting activities at our 50th Birthday celebration. Our students and families loved visiting the garden to show their interest and skills on the night.
Kate Newman, Garden/Environment Teacher
Belinda Williams, Horticulturist