From the
From the
Dear Parents / Carers,
The school will be closed for a Curriculum Day on Monday 27 November. TeamKids will operate on this day.
Our 50th Birthday celebrations continue to generate many discussions in the community. This morning a former student from the 1980s came to purchase an anniversary book because of a friend pointing out his photograph in the magazine.
An article about our celebration also appeared in the November edition of the Waverley Seniors Newsletter.
Magazines can be purchased at the office using the order form below.
Last Friday we celebrated Remembrance Day ahead of the actual day on Saturday 11 November. Involving our students in a ceremony for Remembrance Day teaches them about the significance and the importance of peace.
This morning our middle school choir performed at K-Mart at Stud Park Shopping Centre. This was part of the launch of the “Wishing Tree”, which is an annual charity event run by the Salvation Army. Our students were stunning! The audience clearly enjoyed the performance. I thank Mr Birnie, our Performing Arts teacher for preparing our students so well!
We congratulate Mrs Jones and her husband Alfie on the safe arrival of Evelyn Maree.
We welcome Nicole Bailey to Rowville Primary School. Nichole is our new First Aid Officer and works each day from 10.30am-3.00pm.
Work commenced this week on our Sensory Playground. Our students are enjoying watching the project take shape. It is due to be ready for the start of the new school year.
This time of year coincides with some students feeling a sense of anxiety. The end of the school year for some students may evoke a sense of loss. Endings naturally bring about grieving. There may be grief for what has ended. There may also be anxiety for the future.
Students have spent a whole year in the same classroom with the same teacher, classmates, and regular routines. Some students will have developed a strong attachment to their teacher or made some very close friendships with some of their classmates. For our Year Six students change is complex. They can be excited and sad at the same time.
A parent can help their child to bring closure to the school year by encouraging their child to talk about their feelings - to reflect and acknowledge the strong bonds that have developed over the year - to talk about what they liked and disliked and to recall the funny things that happened during the year. Parents can also ask children to articulate what they will miss and to talk about how they feel about the future. Ask your child to talk about the events that made the year great and try to build up the new school year with positive anticipation. Children will look to their parents as role models during these times of transition and change.
We recognise that for most children, school is a wonderful adventure, and their focus is on what is next - they are keen to move on. However, for some children change at the end of the year is difficult and the way that we help these children to develop resilience is to recognise that moving on is a valuable part of life’s journey and to help them visualise the future in a positive way.
Kind regards,
Anne Babich