Parent's Association

Colour Run

Colour Fun Run 2023 - Top Fundraisers and Winning House


How awesome was the Colour Fun Run! It was amazing to see the whole school community get involved and the smiling faces of all the students, parents and teachers having such a wonderful time. Now it's time to announce the Top Fundraisers and Winning House!


The Top Fundraisers are: 


Kenny House $1297

Audrey Carter McKnight

Oscar Burt

Gabe Laput 


Cawley House $932

Levi Paotama

Edward & Katherine Wagstaff

Angus & Sullivan Barre


Jones House $495 

Lyle Tormy

Elise Jaacks

Skye Trevilliam

Brandon Pearce

Ford House $470

Annabelle & Reuben Vistarini

Sylvia Alway

Sophie Hamilton

Maximus Espedido


We raised an incredible $3194! Amazing effort and these funds will go towards purchasing more chromebooks for our classrooms.

The above students/families will be invited to participate in a special Tree Planting activity at Dandenong Creek on Thursday 16th November at 2pm in conjunction with Maroondah Council. More information to follow via Compass shortly.


Well done to Kenny House who raised the most money this year! A free dress and icypole day will take place before the end of Term 4 - stay tuned!


Flip Out

Flip Out Thursday 2 November

It's not too late to join! You can attend tonight and pay direct to the venue - mention Marlborough Primary School on entry to ensure 50% of your entry ticket is donated to the School.


Christmas Fundraiser

Big Red Bow - Christmas Bows

A brand new fundraiser for Christmas Bows will take place shortly - keep an eye out on Compass for more information and how to order.


We have already delivered 13 new Chromebooks to the classrooms so far this year and are ordering more. Thank you for all your efforts this year supporting our events to make this happen!


MPS Parents' Association 



Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for the last events for 2023 (more details to come shortly):

- Big Red Bows - Mid November

- Christmas Carols and Bake Sale - Thursday 14 December 


Thank you for all your support.


MPS Parents' Association




If you have any questions please contact Erin on 0414889153 or