School Council

Working Bee

Working Bee – Sunday 19th November at 1pm 

Our final working bee for 2023 is scheduled for Sunday 19th November at 1pm 

In addition to moving the pile of mulch which you might notice in the carpark, we are also hoping to spruce up tables and chairs in the front playground (please let us know if you’re interested in sanding and painting!!) 

Working Bees are a lovely way to get to know other families and contribute to what makes MPS a fantastic place. 

Canteen vouchers will be given to all students who attend!! 


OSHC Provider

We are literally days away from signing a contract with our new OSHC provider, which is really exciting. We hope to be able to announce this to the school community  next week. 


Voluntary Contributions

A massive thank you to all families that were able to make voluntary contributions this year – as you may recall, these are divided into curriculum contributions and non-curriculum contributions. 

The curriculum contributions have helped us with the purchasing of art, science and physical education equipment and resources, and invest in decodable books that support our whole-school science of reading literacy approach

In 2023, the contributions for non-curriculum items from our families allowed us to: 

  • Purchase a defibrillator machine
  • Invest significantly in new books for our library and classroom collections
  • Contribute to the cost of camps for families experiencing financial difficulties
  • Maintain our technology resources, such as our new laptops and iPads


A sincere and enormous thank you to all our PA and all families that have participated in our fundraising efforts this year, most recently the Colour Fun Run, an awesome event!! 

This year our fundraising efforts have been focused on the purchase on Chromebooks for the classrooms – at least six are already in use, with more on the way. 

PA and School Council will work with Tim and the MPS staff in the coming weeks to determine what our fundraising will be focused on for 2024 – please feel free to reach out to any of us if you have any suggestions. 



Kind regards,



Contact School Council

If you have any questions, concerns or items to raise with school council, please email  or