Principal's Report

Tim Mulhall - Principal

It feels like a blink, but we are already fast approaching the halfway point of the term. 


Community Pizza Night 

I want to start with an apology. Of all the times to get sick, it had to be the day before this event. I hope the disruption to your evening was minimal. I also hope that those who were intending to come can join us on the 8th of November instead. If you couldn't make it on the original date but are available for the postponed date, please come along.

Rest assured, the pizza shop was able to hold the order until next week!


Cup Day Weekend

With a 'sort of' long weekend nearly upon us, it is a good reminder that Monday is not a public holiday. I understand that despite this, many families across the state use this to holiday. While not encouraged, if you choose to do this, please put your absences into Compass early. This will assist us greatly in planning our teaching and learning programs for that day.  Thank you to anybody who has already done this. 


We look forward to seeing our students on Monday. 


Upcoming Pupil Free Day

A reminder that Friday the 17th will be a pupil-free day for our Education Support Staff to undertake professional learning and for our teacher to write end-of-year reports. 


2024 Intentions

At the moment, I am busy planning for 2024, which is an exciting opportunity for me to shape our school in a way that works towards our shared goals. To do this effectively, it is important to understand who will be with us next year. Can I ask that if you have intentions to be elsewhere next year, you take the time to let me know as soon as possible. I am more than happy to have a conversation with anybody who would like to know more about where we are going as a school. Having a thorough understanding of our student numbers for next year is a big piece of the puzzle for our future planning. 


Upcoming Building Works 

I have just signed off on some important building works that will begin in November 2023 and should be finalised at some stage early next year. These works are funded and overseen by the Victorian School Building Authority and will provide better access to some bathrooms across the school, walkways, the oval, and other parts of the school that are not wheelchair-friendly. We are currently in talks about how to minimise the disruption of these works to teaching and learning. Pleasingly, our builder is doing his best to work with us on this. 


2024 Foundation Transition 

Our transition sessions for our 2024 prep students are off to a great start. I have visited our new students a number of times and have been impressed with their engagement in the sessions. If you know any other future prep parents who are yet to decide on a school, encourage them to come and have a tour. I would love to talk to them about our school. 


Working Bee

I know this has been mentioned in other spots in the newsletter, but... If you can spare some time to get involved, we would appreciate it. Our school has so much to offer, and a touch of love for the grounds would go a long way to show that. I'll be getting my hands dirty! 




Tim Mulhall
