Year 1 Unit

Our ‘Magnificent Things’
The Year One students have been very busy designing and producing their ‘Magnificent Things’ using all the recycled materials you so very kindly donated. The students thought about the need they wanted to meet and which were the best materials to use to do that. It’s been wonderful to watch the Year Ones puzzle out how to turn their paper design into a real object! No doubt there are some future engineers in our midst…
The students have been learning about the engineering process (including the ‘have a go’ mentality and the inevitable failures that can be great learning moments). They also examined different construction techniques prior to their production sessions so they were able to join materials together in different ways. After they finished their object they undertook an evaluation of their experience, including what did and didn’t work well and if there is anything they would change about their object.
The Year One classrooms are now awash with various creations that meet a multitude of needs! Everything from remote control holders (because it’s annoying when they get lost), to fidget toys, to plant holders and beyond. We wish to congratulate the Year Ones on a job well done!
In the coming weeks the Year One students are going to undertake some persuasive writing centred on their object. The goal will be for them to create a poster convincing us why we should use their ‘Magnificent Thing’. They will also be presenting their object to the class and discussing their experiences of the engineering process.
Stay tuned for photos…
For the last couple of weeks the Year One students have been learning about time. They have made their own model analogue clock and have used this to practise telling time to the hour and the half hour. We have also looked at reading these times on digital clocks.
It would be great to see the Year One continue practising telling the time at home, on both analogue and digital clocks.
Year 1 Teachers
Danielle Dawes, Zoe Sutherland, Juliet Smith, Emma Beaumont