Middle Unit -2/3

On Monday the 13th of November the Year 2/3 cohort enjoyed participating in a Toy Science Incursion run by the fantastic people from Supreme incursion. The students explored the history of Toys and how the materials that toys are made out of have changed over time, from wooden toys to plastic toys, to today’s toys which include the use of technology in them. They examined how the movement of toys has changed form from the rigidness of wood that requires the push and pull force of humans to move them, to the introduction of plastic which is more flexible and easily manipulated. With the introduction of technology, today's toys can move through programming devices or remote controls.
Year 2/3 Teachers
Mark Condon/Deb Thompson, Greer Arnold/Katie Cashen, Caitlin Hanks/Lisa Sutch, Lyndsay Adamson, Breanna Smith