Restorative Practices

It’s Not Just Talking About Feelings….
In our ongoing pursuit of fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment, we are empowered through our recent visit from Real Schools facilitator Kirsty Lush. The Restorative approach offers a transformative way to equip our learners with the essential life skill of conflict resolution. Rather than punitive measures or avoidance, Restorative Teaching Practices aim to empower students to engage constructively with conflicts. By encouraging open dialogue and understanding, this method helps students not only resolve disagreements but also develop empathy, communication, and problem-solving skills. It’s not just talking about feelings!
Conflict can be an opportunity for learning, we are all different and see things in different ways. The Restorative model provides our learners with the tools to articulate their feelings, understand the perspectives of others, and work collaboratively to find solutions. It ensures that all involved are heard and valued. By implementing and embedding these practices at St Mary’s, we are teaching our learners how to deal with conflicts effectively, laying the foundation for a more harmonious and empathetic school culture where every student can thrive.
As part of our Real Schools partnership, we will be hosting another parent information session in 2024 with our partner and facilitator, Kirsty Lush. Join us as we embark on this journey towards nurturing well-rounded, socially responsible individuals through Restorative Teaching Practices.