Catholic Identity

Charism Curriculum
The staff at St. Mary’s undertook recent professional development around our St. Mary’s School unique Charism. A Charism is like a living gift. It is a way of living or doing inspired by Jesus, which links us to God. The spiritual gift given through the grace of the Holy Spirit enables followers to become powerful agents of God’s love & presence in their world. When we talk of charisms, it’s about gifts that build others up, signs of our Church in the world all contributing to the unity of faith. The Holy Spirit continues to guide us today as it did and has done throughout our rich history. It is the same spirit that guided all those that came before us and the same spirit that guides us today.
This part of the Religious Education Curriculm, aspires to impart spiritual knowledge of Church and Tradition. Providing understanding of cultural identity and heritage. Also our responsibility to acknowledge and carry on with our traditions, whilst maintaining a universally, recognsible Catholic Identity. Throughout the learning, the symbols of our School become observable realities, representing invisible experiences and revealing truths about God. Our unique charism is deeply connected to the Brigidine Sisters and Augustinian Priests who were the original founders of our St. Mary’s School. Learners will begin the ‘new’ (based on our rich history) units in Term One, 2024.
We give Thanks,
God of all times & seasons,
We give thanks for all those who have gone before us,
Who have handed on to us our heritage of Brigidine education.
We give thanks for the courage and determination
Of pioneering and creative women,
Who responded to the invititatin to travel far from their homeland,
To provide the opportunity for the young people of this country
To experience an education that is Catholic.
We acknowledge that they encountered many difficulties
but in spite of disappointments and loss,
Their faith and hope in you, encouraged and sustained them.
May we live our lives conscious of our past and true to our heritage,
Keeping ablaze the fires our forebears lit.
Holly Morris
Catholic Identity Leader
Upcoming Parish Event
The St Mary’s Bereavement Support Group warmly invite all those who have lost loved ones in the past year and at any time to attend our Memorial Service at St Mary’s Church Echuca on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD AT 6.00PM.
Supper will be provided in the hospitality space immediately following the service. Please join us.
Carmel Mackenzie and Jan Tarr
(St Mary’s Bereavement Support Group Coordinators)
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