Mrs Ryan's Fortnightly Reflections

Looking Back With Gratitude
Such a great start to the term, happy learners and happy families. St Mary’s truly is a place of magic and I am blessed to work in and among this community. Thank you to all of the families who support the many complexities of school life and ensure your children are here and ready to give their all each day. The learning in and among our spaces is inspiring!
It is hard to believe that we are approximately twelve months on from the floods that affected many of us in our homes and local and wider community. I know for me personally it triggers a little apprehension when we drive past our beautiful waterways which appear plentiful. Once the apprehension passes, I remember most of that time with gratitude and pride. I am hopeful that regardless of the impact to you all that we will keep this time of our life in our thoughts and prayers. The reaction of the community was so powerful we need to give thanks that that is where we live and belong. We also need to continue to keep those who are rebuilding in our prayers and offer support and strength for their continued journey. If anyone in our community needs further support as a result of the floods, please do not hesitate to come and see me. St Mary’s is connected well within the community and resources can easily be obtained if needed. Today I am including a prayer that was composed by our parish this time last year to share with you all. It was so relevant at the time…
Last week the staff spent time talking and reflecting on the mental well being of our teachers and St Mary’s as a workplace. As a school we recognise the need to have these conversations and be open and honest with what is in our control. Our teachers work tirelessly for the children they teach and offer an array of support and teaching and learning that it is vital that we nurture the needs of our staff. All staff completed a teacher well being audit to ensure we are mindful of our current state and how to bring our best selves to our workplace each day. The positive relationships we have with our families is such a great support to our teachers and we are thankful for that.
Currently, leadership are finalising enrolments and staffing for the 2024 school year. This is a complex puzzle in a school this size. Interviewing is occurring, we have an excessive waiting list of children hopeful to attend as well as planning for new initiatives that will best serve the learners in our school both academically, socially and emotionally. Alongside enrolments and staffing we are preparing the forecasted budget for the year ahead. The culmination of this allows St Mary’s to plan, action and resource what is needed for our community. St Mary’s will always make decisions with the children at the center and we look forward to sharing the staffing team, our projects and welcoming many new learners to our school in the near future.
This week I had the pleasure of attending Year 5 camp in Kyneton! The children were an absolute delight and it was truly enjoyable spending time with them in that setting. I thank the Year 5 teaching team, support staff and parents who attended. It was a busy camp with much time outside, great food and many first time experiences. The children were well behaved, courageous and extremely grateful to their camp leaders and teachers. Midway through day two, the tiredness was evident and emotions high. Regardless of the exhaustion, the children did themselves, their parents and St Mary’s proud.
Historically St Mary’s would complete an annual survey that is shared with our families, learners and staff. It used to be called Insight SRC. This practice was under review by CES Sandhurst prior to covid and following this time we have engaged with a new survey called ORIMA School Engagement Survey. Today our Year 4 to 6 families will receive an invitation, link and codes to access the survey. The survey is based on key areas of school improvement. I am really hopeful that many families will complete this, sharing your feedback to ensure we are acknowledging what we do well and what we can improve on. Thank you in advance to anyone who can offer the time.
Take Care & God Bless,
Jasmine Ryan