Student Wellbeing

What is Social and Emotional Learning?


At St Helena’s our teachers use the Friendly School’s program to assist students in their Social and Emotional Learning. 


Social and emotional learning begins at birth and is first experienced in the family home. As parents you are the first teachers of your child’s social skills and first providers of emotional support. Throughout their lives your children learn from you as a teacher and role-model for the social and emotional learning they need to thrive in the world.


These understandings and skills can be grouped into five key areas


Self-awareness skills - The ability to accurately recognise our own emotions and thoughts and their influence on behaviour. Including:

· Being able to identify and name emotions and how they are linked to our thoughts &      behaviours.

· Recognising our strengths, abilities and limitations.

· Having a well-grounded sense of confidence and optimism.


Self-management skills - The ability to regulate our own emotions, thoughts, and behaviours effectively in different situations. Including:

· Managing stress and controlling emotions and impulses.

· Motivating ourselves and having perseverance to work through difficult situations.

· Setting and working toward achieving personal and academic goals.


Social awareness skills - The ability to take the perspective of and empathise with others.


· Being aware of and respectful of the feelings of others.

· Accepting and valuing people who are from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

· Understanding social and ethical norms for behaviour.


Relationship skills - The ability to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships with diverse individuals and groups. Including:

· Making friends and maintaining healthy relationships.

· Communicating positively, cooperating and negotiating to participate effectively in groups.

· Dealing effectively with relationship issues, negative social influences and conflicts.

· Seeking help if we are not able to solve a social problem ourselves


Social decision-making skills - The ability to make constructive and respectful choices about personal behaviour and social interactions. Including:

· Considering the positive or negative consequences of choices when making decisions.

· Making positive choices, while considering how these choices may affect ourselves and others.

· Considering personal, family and social norms and ethical standards when making decisions.