Classroom News

 Year 1 Peninsula Farm Excursion

As part of our History unit, ‘Past and Present’, the Year One classes recently visited Peninsula Farm. Many of the students and some of the teachers got into character by dressing as pioneers from the 1800’s. The children looked amazing dressed in period costumes!

We began our day outside the Hardy homestead, taking in the beautiful surroundings whilst learning about the Noongar people - the first people to use the land we were standing on. We then continued our chat on the grassed area where we learnt about the Hardy Family who lived at Peninsula Farm. 

We enjoyed exploring the Hardy family homestead museum which housed many artefacts from the past. We even got to make our own peg dolls to take home with us.


After lunch, we enjoyed sketching under the tree by the river and playing traditional games such as hopscotch, ring toss, rope skipping, horseshoe toss, egg and spoon races on the grassed area.

We all had such a fun day out and had many memories to help us compare life in Perth in the past with our present lives when we got back to class.


A huge thankyou to our teachers and all our amazing parent helpers who came along to help out.