Social Club & Community News

Social Club ~ Disco
Was a huge success. Thank you to our volunteers ~ parents & staff who gave their time to ensure this fun-filled event could go ahead. Thank you especially to the following volunteers ~ Leah, Tammy, Rebecca, Crystal, Andrew, Jone's family, Laura, Cara, Joe, Lis, Maria, Karen Danae, Chris D & Chris S.
Thank you to the Gill family who donated the use of their DJ equipment for the night, this is very much appreciated.
DJ Summo was outstanding again!!!!
We were able to raise over $1,000 on the night which is a great effort.
Please email if you are able to help with supervision on the night.
Please Note: Our Parents and Friends group are on the recruitment drive. If you know of anyone, especially new parents who might want to be involved please encourage them to do so by contacting the school.
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Community News
You Can Dance Opportunity ~ please see details below if you are interested: