From the Principal
Primary Inter-School Swimming Carnival
From the Principal
Primary Inter-School Swimming Carnival
The school community is still buzzing following the success of the P&F Welcome Back Barbecue this week. It was a terrific occasion with over 700 people enjoying a warm autumn evening. The sausage sizzle, Chalk Café, Old McDonald's Animal Farm, OMG Donuts, School Café and entertainment ensured there was something for everyone.
Thank you to the many families, new and old, who attended, including our many regulars who come back year after year with their children, and often grandparents, to enjoy time together. Over the years we have had bush bands and a variety of musicians and singers but there is no doubt that our Primary Music Specialist Hollie Burbage provides sparkling entertainment through her own performance and coordinating the many talented students who sing and dance to an appreciative audience.
P&F President Sonja Reynolds and her hardworking helpers including past and present parents, staff and students deserve our thanks and congratulations for cooking and serving the sausage sizzle. Their goals of "friend raising" and building community spirit were certainly achieved.
Next Wednesday 13 March at 6:30pm in the Library Resource Centre, the P&F Association will convene for its AGM. Aside from the election of office bearers for 2024, the Head of Primary, Business Manager and I will present our annual reports to the meeting. There is time for general discussion about the activities of the School and our plans for the year ahead. This meeting sees longstanding President and Committee member Sonja Reynolds retire from the P&F. Her commitment has extended beyond her children's time at John Wollaston which is testimony to her generosity and loyalty to the School. The Committee would like to hear from parents who are willing to contribute to the school community in this way. I encourage you to attend the meeting.
This week we have welcomed two new Secondary staff. Bronwyn Vorster joins the Mathematics Department and Adam Serra- Sanfelin joins the Languages Department to teach Japanese. Both have come from overseas, Mrs Vorster from South Africa and Mr Serra- Sanfelin from Japan. We wish both a smooth transition and look forward to the contribution they will make to the School.
Our new Registrar Noella Hextall is settling well into her busy role. Mrs Hextall, who was a foundation student of John Wollaston, is eager to speak with parents who are looking to enrol siblings for next year and beyond. She can be readily contacted by email, or telephone, 94958104.
Our strongest swimmers bring their season to a close competing in the Inter School Carnivals this fortnight. Congratulations to our Primary team who competed with great enthusiasm in the IPSHA Carnival yesterday. Our Secondary team competes on Thursday 14 March in the ACC Carnival. Our best wishes go with them for a successful and enjoyable day.
Our Year 12s and their partners are eagerly anticipating the School Ball which will be held on the evening of Wednesday 27 March at the Pan Pacific Hotel. Being the last day of Term 1, the students will be keen to celebrate with their peers and the staff at what is a new venue for the School.
All students and staff will gather for our Easter Service on Wednesday 27 March in the Berry Durston Indoor Sports Centre. Chaplain Justine will preside and preach and as has been customary, a donkey will lead the procession. The Primary Choir will lead the congregation in song.
With best wishes for the remainder of the term.
Anne Ford