Grade 3/4 News

Hello from the 3/4 unit!


Wow, have we been busy! We have been focused in our learning and kind in our actions. 

Last week was full of getting ready for Lent. 

Some of us feasted on pancakes on Shrove Tuesday & Lisa McInerney kindly made lots of fluffy GF Pancakes for the event.


We then received ashes on our forehead on Ash Wednesday to remind us that we belong to God and that we are not on this earth for all time, so we had better get busy being the best version of ourselves. 

Lent is a time to pray, give and go without

We are having a little focus on one of these things during this time and will grow some kind and generous habits that will stay with us once Lent and Easter are finished.


This week we are delving into a thought-provoking book called ‘The Invisible Boy’ by Trudy Ludwig. 

It's about a little boy who feels lonely and unnoticed until one day someone does notice him when they appreciate his imagination and creativity. 

It’s amazing how one person can make such a difference in another person’s life by making them feel included and how small acts of kindness help others feel valued.


On Monday we reminded ourselves about how we all stay safe in the playground at St Bernard’s. 

We spent time during and after our Unit Assembly talking about, modelling and stepping through what this looks like, sounds like and feels like. 

If we are kind and thoughtful in the playground and always follow the rules, we will all stay safe.