Wellbeing & Inclusion

Shout Out!
During your Meeting the Teacher meetings this week you may have noticed some positive boards in the classroom. In many classes, there are Shout Out or Bucket Filling Boards where students write positive affirmations or gratitudes about other students. This is to continue to embed kindness, acceptance, inclusion, and celebrating high expectations in the classroom and playgrounds.
Some examples are:-
- Shout out to ... for being a great friend outside.
- Shout out to .... for making me laugh.
- Shout out to .... for saying my work is neat.
- Shout out to .... for helping me with my work.
- Shout out to .... for sharing your soccer ball with me.
- Shout out to .... for including me in your group.
You may also want to encourage Shout Out's at home around the dinner table or as a challenge. This will give students experiences to spot traits in others that can be celebrated.
Friendology/UrStrong Workshop
On Wednesday 21st February we hosted a parent and student workshop to share the great work we have been doing around implementing the Friendology program at Lysterfield. Thank you to all the families who attended and downloaded the recording.
Beyond this video, families are encouraged to upskill themselves as ‘Friendship Coaches’ using the URSTRONG/Friendology Parent membership. Please use this LINK https://urstrong.com/parents/
A key takeaway from the session was that students need more support to identify if a situation is a 'Friendship Fire' or 'Mean on Purpose'. For example, someone says "Your friend gets angry with you and says - Nobody likes you!" or "A friend promises to play with you but at recess, they run off to play without you" or "Someone in your class keeps taking your items and breaking them"
Tyson, director of UrStrong who presented on the evening, encouraged parents to take out a Parent membership (link above) to become a "Friendship Coach". On the website, there are some great resources for parents to upskill themselves in coaching their child's conflicts. At Lysterfield, we encourage all students to first try "talking it out" and when that does not change the outcome, to ask for help from an adult at school.
Robyn Mowat, Assistant Principal | Student Inclusion and Wellbeing.
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