Sports News

Basketball Program Tryouts
Good morning Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 Students and Families, we are hosting basketball try-outs for the Copperfield College Basketball Program. Whether you're aseasoned player or just starting out, this is your chance to showcase your skills and try-out forthe Copperfield College Basketball Program.
There are limited places, however, if you are selected for the Copperfield Basketball Program, there will be an annual fee which covers items such as reversable training top, shorts, team polo and the entrance fee to tournaments.Important -Students interested in the try-outs will need to send an email to: with their name before the 23rd of February.
We will create an excursion type event which includes all the students that have emailed their interest to Mr Goundar. Once the students have been added to the event families must consent using compass (as you would for an excursion) as try-outs are an after-school activity. Only students that have consent from their families will be permitted to try-out.
Kings Park students that are interested in trying out, there will be a bus that will be leaving from Kings Park at 3:25pm on each try-out day. You will then be dismissed from Sydenham Campus.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to email at
Try-out Details:
Year 7-10 BOYS
Date: Tuesday, 27/2/2024Time: 3:45pm - 4:45pmLocation: Sydenham Gymnasium
Year 7-10 GIRLS
Date: Thursday, 7/3/2024Time: 3:45pm – 4:45pmLocation: Sydenham Gymnasium
Thank you and good luck,
Lance Petherick and Andrew Atherton
On behalf of the Copperfield College Basketball Program coaches.
Muneel Goundar
Kings Park
Junior Campus