
Science Technology Engineering Arts Maths

STEAM learning in Weeks Five and Six


The Preps, Grade Ones and Twos have continued their Conceptual Playworlds learning.

The Prep and Grade Ones received instructions from the characters in our book, Tom’s Magnificent Machines, that Tom and Dad needed help to get their visitors across a river so that they could visit their museum. So we used our engineering skills to invent fantastic Lego bridges. The Grade Twos had to rescue the dinosaurs from their story, The Dinosaur Who Invented Things, that were trapped by lava in a Lego Challenge. We also conducted an invisible writing experiment that looked at the Maillard Reaction that occurs when sugars are heated and we had an introduction to coding with the use of Blue Bots. The grade Ones and Twos used the Blue Bots in challenges related to their books. A big thank you to the Grade Five students that helped to create the Blue Bot mats.


The Grade Threes and Fours have been hard at work on their Little Inventors Challenge. We have been working through the design process to plan and refine our designs and these will be submitted to the Little Inventors project upon completion. We have also participated in an experiment that looked at liquid density and emulsions and practised creating sequences of code to program Blue Bots.


The Grade Fives have continued work on their innovation inquiry project and are designing inventions to make ACPS even more awesome. We have been looking at the design process to imagine and design our inventions. We have begun looking at joining techniques that we will use when we commence construction of models of our inventions next week. We have also participated in an experiment that looked at liquid density and emulsions and practised creating sequences of code to program Blue Bots .


Lego Club:

A reminder that Lego Club is on at recess on Mondays in the STEAM room. Everyone is welcome.


Kate Misra
