Foundation (Prep)


Please find below, a full list of alphabet chants that we are practising at school. We are learning the sound that each of these letters make and the correct formation of these lowercase letters. If you would like to support your child with practise at home, please search for the Victorian Modern Cursive font.


Ants on apples - a, a, a

Bounce balloons - b, b, b 

Cats drive cars - c, c, c

Ducks dive down - d, d, d

Empty eggs - e, e, e

Five fat fish - f, f, f

Girls giggle - g, g, g

Happy house - h, h, h

In the igloo - i, i, i

Jumping jellyfish - j, j, j

Crazy kites - k, k, k

Lizards like lollipops - l, l, l

Mummy on the moon - m, m, m

Nanny has a net - n, n, n

On the orange - o, o, o

Pretty pink pigs - p, p, p

Quick quiet queen - q, q, q

Rusty robots - r, r, r

Seals swim seals slide - s, s, s 

Trotting tigers - t, t, t

Umbrellas up - u, u, u

Vase in a van - v, v, v

Water on a web - w, w, w

Foxy six - x, x, x

Yellow yoyo - y, y, y

Zebra in a zoo - z, z, z


In Maths, we have continued to practise counting and learning the correct formation of numbers 1-10. We have discussed strategies to help improve the accuracy of our counting. Students are encouraged to 'touch and count', 'move and count' and 'line up and count'. These strategies sound very simple when many of us use these techniques subconsciously as adults but they are skills which need to be modelled when first introduced.


We had a wonderful time meeting up with our buddies to complete a craft activity. We had fun making 'Buddy Birds' and then had some time to enjoy both the home corner and the construction corner. You can see from the photos that our Grade 6 buddies enjoyed stepping back in time and playing like a Prep again - I think Mr Smith did too!


Have a wonderful long weekend everyone!

Mrs Callaway