Senior School Report

Trish Fox

Year 10 Work Experience

This week we have had our year 10 students head out on their work experience week. Last week they were a bundle of nerves and excitement as our career staff helped them with last minute preparations to enter the big wide world of employment. Many staff members have been out to visit students in their workplaces and the feedback received is that our year 10’s are representing themselves and Woodman’s Hill SC with the highest respect and integrity.


Senior School Reminders

Heading into Term 2 the Senior School would like to remind parents and students of some key expectations we have at Woodmans Hill especially coming into the cooler weather.

Students are expected to be in full-school uniform every day. 

- If a student is out of uniform, they’re expected to bring a signed note from a parent/ guardian and present it at the Senior School office before school so they can be provided a uniform pass. 

- P.E uniform is only to be worn during P.E classes. Students are expected to change into their uniform for P.E classes only and back into full, academic school uniform at the end of class. 

- Hoodies are not to be worn and are not part of the Woodmans Hill uniform

-  If you have any concerns purchasing uniform, please reach out to your Home Group teachers who can direct you to the right supports securing correct uniform. 


As a school, we are focusing on arriving to class on time and prepared to learn. This means students must begin moving to their lockers to gather the correct equipment for class, as soon as the 5-minute warning music begins to play. 


Enjoy the Easter Break


The team in the Senior School would like to wish all of the Woodmans Hill community a safe and Happy Easter and look forward to returning after the school holiday break for another exciting term, which will include athletics day, year 10 camp, senior school social and much more.


Trish Fox - Year 10 Leader & the Senior School Team