Learning and Teaching

Steve Sirrals



Woodmans Hill Year 7 and 9 students have completed their NAPLAN tests (catch-up tests still taking place). The students were fantastic during these tests. They demonstrated our school values of RESPECT, DETERMINE and EXCELLENCE by being punctual, showing respect for others through being quiet and orderly before and during the tests and attempting to demonstrate their knowledge to the best of their ability.

We look forward to receiving the 2024 NAPLAN results later in the year. Our 2023 NAPLAN data was higher than Similar Schools in Reading and Numeracy and higher than State in most.

Once we receive the results, our Literacy and Numeracy Learning Specialists will begin analysing the cohort data. They do this to determine which areas the cohort growth has been and analyse why this has happened, working with classroom teachers on this. They then focus on where the areas of need are and work with teachers on how we can address this. 

This data also provides classroom teachers with a data set that demonstrates the ability of their individual students in regards to reading, writing and numeracy.


Parent, Teacher, Student Conferences (PTSC)

On Wednesday 1st May, we have our Semester 1 Parent, Teacher, Student Conferences. These are held each Semester and provide an opportunity for all parents and students to speak directly to the relevant classroom teachers.

Over the past two years, we have focused on ensuring that these conversations:

  • Clearly describe what your individual child has achieved and what they need to do to continue to improve, referring to examples.
  • Provide and refer to relevant assessment/achievement (Learning Task) data.
  • Are precise whilst being detailed (avoiding generalized language and broad descriptions).


These conversations are held online using Webex. These bookings will open in the last week of Term 1, with information on how to book being shared through Compass.

The PTSC’s will take place from 11:00am – 6:30pm.