Wellbeing & Inclusion
at Willy
Wellbeing & Inclusion
at Willy
Building Relationships
It has been lovely walking around in the mornings and watching the students interact with each other, with other families, and with their teachers, before the first bell. It is also fantastic to have students from all year levels offer a happy greeting as they fly past us to meet up with their classmates!
Now that we are all back into the routines of the classroom, we can reflect on the importance of those first few weeks at school. As teachers, it is our time to focus on building relationships with our students, and supporting our Willy Kids to foster new friendships, and reconnect with friends who may have been in different classes last year. It is an important time to not only get to know our students as learners, but as people who all have varying interests, needs and ways of learning. As we have taken the time to foster relationships with our students, all classes are now settling into strong learning routines aided by the knowledge staff have of their students. Substantial research indicates that a positive relationship between students and teachers increases student motivation.
We were so pleased to add to this knowledge of our students through meeting with families last week. You all offered even greater insights into how we can best support your children this year, and all our staff found it a very positive experience. We thrive on strong relationships between school and home and we encourage families to reach out to their classroom teacher when required. The Wellbeing Team is also here to support students and families.
It is fitting that the Willy Kids focus for this week is gratitude, as we are grateful to be working in this fabulous school community.
Kind regards,
Lisa Leydin Anna Swan
Assistant Principal Learning Specialist
Disability, Inclusion & Wellbeing Mental Health & Wellbeing Leader(Wed–Fri)