Deutsche Ecke

R-2, 4/5     Libby Edwards

Yrs 3-6      Emma Chesterman 

Der Froschkönig

Our Year 3-5 students have been learning about the Grimm Brother’s fairy tale, Der Froschkönig (The Frog King)They quickly discovered the tale was a typical Grimm tale, with unexpected twists and turns. There was no kissing of frogs for one! Quite the opposite in fact, Die Königstochter throws the frog against the wall in a fit of rage, which causes him to turn back into a prince! There is also the bizarre figure of der eiserne Heinrich (Iron Henry), who has forged metal bands to wrap around his heart in grief for his lost master, the prince. 


Students are currently exploring adjectives to describe characters and the setting of the story. In their opinion, ist die Königstochter hässlich oder schön? Is the King’s daughter ugly or beautiful? Alt oder jung? Old or young? Groß oder klein? Tall or short? Klug oder dumm? Smart or foolish? And is the forest setting of the tale dunkel oder hell?  Dark or light? Voll mit Blumen oder voll mit Bäumen? Full of flowers or full of trees?


Once students make their choices, they will create a tableaux using oil pastels and watercolours to convey their choices. Take a look at the learning and preparation that has been going on as part of this learning task. Perhaps you would like to read the tale yourself, in which case schick uns ein Email! We would be happy to send you a copy of the tale.


Frau Chesterman - 

Frau Edwards -