School News 


Week 6 Update

The halfway mark of Term 1 has arrived and it certainly has been busy. A huge feature of this term so far has been our focus on the Aim High Expectations and learner qualities. It has been exciting to see the explicit teaching of our values and learner qualities in every classroom. Students and teachers will continue to build shared understandings and language in these areas.  


This is a really exciting journey and we have a number of next steps that we will be working on in collaboration with all stakeholders to implement. The ultimate goal is a clear understanding of what an empowered learner is at LNPS, and how to get there. 


Learning Conferences which have begun this week and continue for the next 3 weeks. This is a vital high-impact strategy that enables students to have clarity regarding their next steps, which supports learning to be both accelerated and intensified. They focus on School Values and Learner Qualities, it also builds on the next steps from the previous year's Written Report in English and Maths. 


The key underlying principles of these Learning Conferences are to ensure:

  • Families know more about what their child should know and be able to do (learning/goals)
  • An opportunity to share learning strategies and  knowledge about your child
  • Strategies to support your child's learning/goals at home.   

If you have not booked a conference yet, it is not too late. Please contact your classroom teacher to make a time. Finally, if you need to make any changes to your conference time please contact your child's teacher directly.


Nude Food at LNPS

Over the past few weeks, we have seen an increase in litter in the yard. It is important to keep our wonderful school environment clean and one way we can do this is by reducing the amount of packaging we use. This in turn reduces litter in the yard and waste in our bins.


To help us take the next step in reducing our waste footprint,  we kindly request that families have a large focus on Nude Food. Nude Food is when recess and lunch are put into labelled reusable containers. 


We ask that families have a focus on reducing our waste footprint by using a reusable containers, as much as possible. 


We appreciate everyone's support with this approach, so we can reduce our waste footprint. 


Smoke-free and vape-free areas – new regulations

From 1 March 2024, new laws extend the smoke-free and vape-free areas to within 10 metres of our College boundaries. This includes:

• school drop-off and pick-up zones that are within 10 metres of the school fence, gate or boundary

• school ovals and sporting fields and within 10 metres of the boundary of the oval or sporting field

• footpaths, roads, public nature strips and public recreation areas that are within 10 metres of a school boundary


For more information on the new laws visit


As you will have seen from communication earlier this week we have removed the drop pins from a number of gates around the school. We have received feedback that this is making it hard for 'kiss and drop' for younger students. Due to this, we are in the process of organising Senior Student Gate Monitors to support drop-off and pick-up.  



Tyson, Mirjana and Nik