Principal's Message

School Philosophy

Orchard Grove Primary School is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment that engages curiosity, promotes learning, personal growth, and well-being for all students. We strive to develop adaptability and resilience so students can become valued members of the local and global communities and be prepared for future life experiences.

From the Principal

Welcome to our second newsletter of the year.


Firstly, I would like to say Happy Lunar New Year to those within our community who celebrated this occasion. A big thank you to Tulin Kaya our EAL teacher for her work in organising our Dragon Dance and assembly presentation. 


Thank you to the parents who have attended our online parent information sessions this week. There is always new information to share and it is an opportunity to meet all the teachers who will be involved with your children this year. The leadership team has been to all sessions to talk about our attendance process, including those needed when taking holidays from school within term time. Please check the Compass post from Melissa Crozier if you are unsure as to what and when notification is needed. Thank you to those parents who have already notified us of upcoming term time holidays.


We will hold our first assembly with Principal Awards this week. As with last year, you will be given a courtesy notification when your child is receiving their Principal Award, just so you can arrange to attend if you wish to. Teachers record the recipient for the week by Wednesday so the latest you should receive notification is Wednesday evening.


Our swimming team represented us at District this week - well done on the third place that we received! A very exciting outcome for the students involved. We have our 3-6 Athletics Day next Tuesday at Bill Sewart and the Foundation to Year 2 event is held here at school on Friday. A big thank you in advance to Mr Liston for his organisation of the events. 



Mr Anthony and I took the Year 6 student leaders to the Hallogen Conference last Friday. The students learnt about resilience from Bryson Klein, an Australian Ninja Warrior, and perseverance from Melissa Barbieri, current Melbourne City and former Australian Goalkeeper amongst other speakers. 



Finally, it is time again for our School Council Nominations to open for 2024. If you are interested in joining our council please look out for the Compass post with the relevant nomination forms. Due dates are also mentioned in the post.


Till next time



Michelle Ogilvie
