Art, Music, PE & STEM

In the Art Room...

This week gr 5/6 students commenced an A2 picture of an “Alice In Wonderland” themed picture for the UV room at the Arts Festival night. 


Grade Prep, 1/2 created watercolour paintings for the Cavendish Redgum Festival in April.


Gr 3/4 continued their design of a Botjoy. The project was designed by Portland, Oregon artist Gary Hirsch who believes that art can be the catalyst that connects humans to each other. Thousands of students, designers, activists, artists, Mums, Dads, teachers, and friends are making Bots and giving them to people that they care about. 


The idea is simple: You draw a tiny robot on the back of a domino, transforming it into a loving art  object that you gift to people in your life, spreading joy, courage, and inspiration one domino robot at a time! Instead of using dominoes, Ms Brown has cut up and sanded some Cypress wood and the students will be using these to draw their final design on.


Art club is on a Tuesday lunchtime and certain grades will be allocated their own timeslot. This week was gr 6’s and their buddies. Next week will be gr 1/2. 


Art extension students used charcoal and large brown paper to create a drawing of a redgum using a loose, flowing technique. These photos and artwork will be entered into the Cavendish Redgum Festival 2024. 


This year there is a sculpture section in the student gallery. If your child is interested in entering this, please refer to the Cavendish Red Gum Festival facebook page for details. This will not be covered during art lessons this term.


However, Ms Brown will be covering the Redgum Festival topic during lessons so all students have the opportunity to enter a 2D piece into the student exhibition. 


Artist of the week awards go to

  • Bentley Graham
  • Aiden Smith
  • River Doheny
  • Lachlan Hamilton

Photos will be uploaded to our school’s facebook page.


Well done to everyone on a fantastic week of Art!


Ms Brown

Art Specialist




Hello everyone, 


In Music News this week, Preps learned about high and low sounds.

Our 1s and 2s moved to, and wrote, long and short sounds.

Our 3s and 4s played ukuleles, wrote notes, and began to learn about the Calypso style of music.

The 5 and 6s also played ukuleles, and began learning to play the 12 Bar Blues on keyboards and xylophones.



The Choir continued to learn their first two songs for the year, and are already sounding great!



This week’s class Music Award goes to 5/6C for their excellent concentration and musicianship. The individual awards go to Audrey Yole in Prep A for her fantastic singing, moving, and drawing to Music, and to Zoe Taylor in 1/2B for great dancing and working in Music this week.


Thank you,

Mrs Megan Garland 

Music Specialist





Students continued with their biological science unit in STEM this week.


The Preps explored the needs of animals and how they are the same as humans. They had to select a wild animal to draw this with its needs.


Grade 1/2 explored the features of bush animals and then had to be “animal detectives” to match the animal footprints to that of an emu, wombat, kangaroo and lizard. 


Grade 3/4 explored why the cassowary is important to the Daintree Rainforest ecosystem.


Grade 5/6 students were excited to observe their grass seeds growth after one week in two different biomes (dark cupboard and sunlight). Students then explored the four layers of the rainforest. 


Mr Nolan

STEM Specialist Teacher



This week all classes have loved their PE and despite the warm weather again this week, with all students continuing to try their best in each activity. 


All classes continued to focus on Athletics with our annual Athletics carnival next week. 

The events we trained for this week were Sprints, shot put, high jump and hurdles. All classes demonstrated great technique throughout each event practice.


It is fantastic to see the great attitudes from all classes this week, and I know we are looking forward to doing our best at Athletics days next week.


This week the PE awards go to.:an Overton – For always trying his best in every PE class.

Ella Nepean – Showing great technique and effort throughout Athletics practice.

Jordie Alexander – for being a great helper and role model for Prep PE.