Principal's Message



It has been another warm week and we certainly experienced some wilder weather on Wednesday, with high winds making it rather unpleasant to be outside.  Fortunately next week looks like being far more pleasant, a little bit warmer however on the days designated for our Athletics Sports on Tuesday and Wednesday.


Prep Parents Welcome BBQ and Chat

Our Prep Parent Welcome BBQ and Information Night was scheduled to take place on Wednesday of this week, however due to the extreme weather conditions and fire rating, we made the decision to postpone this event.  Our BBQ and Information Night will now take place on Monday of next week (4th March) and the weather looks like being far more comfortable for all involved.  I think we certainly made the right decision earlier this week and hope all people who were intending to attend are still able to make it on Monday night.


Athletics Sports

There is now less than one week until our highly anticipated School Athletics Sports, an event on our school calendar we very much look forward to, with the students very excited ahead of the two days of competition that will take place.  On Tuesday our whole school will venture to Mitchell Park for the running events, whilst on Wednesday the field events will take place here at school.  An information notice was sent earlier this week, with the program of events sent home today.  The weather forecast for both days is for warm weather to be expected, so please ensure your child brings along plenty of water.  On Tuesday students will be provided with a Zooper Dooper treat during the lunch break – thank you to parents Peter and Ashlea Yole for kindly donating these for all students in attendance!  We hope to see many parents in attendance at each of these days.


Some parents may not be aware that for our sporting events, all students are allocated to one of our four house groups, that are each named after local waterways

  • Glenelg = green
  • Grange = blue
  • Nigretta = red
  • Wannon = yellow

Students through their participation in events will earn points for their house, with the team scoring the highest overall points to be awarded the ‘Jack Waldron Athletics Shield’, named after former Principal Jack Waldron who was very passionate about promoting and supporting students in their sporting pursuit.  Jack comes along to an assembly to present the shield named in his honour each year.


Students compete with others in their respective age groups – these age groups are listed on the program that was sent home today.  Ages are calculated at the 31st December.  A child who is currently 8, but will turn 9 in September, will compete in the ‘9 Years and Under’ age group.


School Council

Nominations to join School Council were advertised last week via the newsletter and closed at 4:00pm today.  At the time of publication we are not able to advise the number of nominations received however if there are more than four (currently four vacancies) the next stage will be to conduct a ballot.  More information will be made available to families next week.


Parenting Forum

A final reminder there will be an online parenting forum titled ‘Parenting 101: Bringing back the fun’ taking place on Monday night. This will commence at 7:30pm will details on how to register included further in this newsletter.


Athletics Achievement

Last Saturday night Grade 6 student Manaia competed in Melbourne at the Athletics Victoria State Championships in the 1500m for U13s and came 3rd, his time and placing qualifying him for a spot on the Victorian Team to compete at the Australian Championships in April. This is an outstanding achievement and we congratulate Manaia on his success. The Athletics Victoria State Championships take place over two weeks and Manaia will be competing again this weekend, this time in the 800m.  All the best Manaia in your pursuit for another medal and to make the Victorian team in a second event!


Have a great weekend!


Ben Kelson
