Heads of House

Around the Houses

Gandhi House

This term is a very busy one for Gandhi House and I look forward to seeing a sea of red at several Interhouse events in coming weeks.


On Thursday 22 February, we will be competing in the Interhouse Swimming Carnival. This is always an excellent day, and I would like to thank our incredible Sync Swim team of students, led by Mr Alex Hanssen, for their time and effort in bringing together what can only be a winning routine – fingers crossed!. 


Soon after, on Thursday 29 February, it is the Gandhi Parent Sundowner. I would encourage all parents and guardians to attend this wonderful collegial event (wearing something red of course!) to celebrate Gandhi House and meet other members of the St George’s School Family. 

Other notable House events for this term are the House Week competitions in Week 7 and, lastly, Gandhi Charity Day on Thursday 28 March.


Across all of these events, our goal for the term is to see as much red as possible: Socks, hats, costumes, sweat bands, zinc. Whatever it may be, let’s be ready for a big term.


Let’s paint the town red!

Ms Amy  Perejmibida

 Head of Gandhi House


Lincoln House

It has been an incredibly busy start to the 2024 school year in Lincoln House as we prepare for the Interhouse Swimming Carnival and Sync Swim competition, which will be held next Thursday 22 February.


With swimming races being opt-in this year, I encourage all Lincoln students to get involved, dress upwear your House shirt with pride, put on your bathers and represent the House in as many races as possible. House points are available for both victories and participation so I’d love to see everyone in the pool. My challenge to all Lincoln students is for each student to complete one more race than they initially thought they would do. If every student can complete in at least one race, it would be a large boost to the number of points earned via participation for the day. Let’s challenge ourselves Lincoln.


Additionally, I would like to thank all Lincoln students who have signed up for the Interhouse Performing Arts Festival which will be held early next term. We held trials this week for the dance team and will be reaching out shortly regarding when we will start practice sessions and what our routine might involve – get your dancing shoes ready everyone!.


I was able to join our new Lincoln Year 7 students for a picnic in the park this afternoon and enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about the group and to ask about how their transition into life at St George’s has been. Overall, it was great to hear how much the new students have enjoyed their transition to high school, being more independent and making new friends – everyone seemed to have linked into someone new, which bodes well for Year 7 Camp.

Mr Vincent Lim

Head of Lincoln House


Mandela House

A special welcome to Year 7s and all new students and families of Mandela House – the best house in the school!. This term we have many events - with the highlight of the term being the Interhouse Swimming Carnival and SyncSwim Challenge. 

Students of Mandela House have been doing a fantastic job practising their routine to retain our victory of SyncSwim from last year. Good luck to all students for next week. Have a go, have some fun and make sure you get dressed in your green best, wearing your House shirt with pride!

Today I enjoyed connecting with the new Mandela Year 7 students at the inaugural Picnic in the Park. 

As always, all of us at Mandela wish you all a great year ahead and are here to support students the  best we can.

Head of Mandela House

Mr Thomas Dempers


Hey everyone, 

For those who don't know me, I am the Mandela House Captain for 2024. This year Mandela has great prospects for victory, and this term is just the beginning. With the Swimming Carnival and SyncSwim just around the corner, our enthusiasm is as high as ever. I look forward to working with every member of the Hhouse as the year progresses, and that we can continue to grow together as a Hhouse and family.

Let’s work together to achieve success and support each other.

Wil Moesker

Mandela Captain