Key Information: Week 1 

  • Formal Uniform is required every day during Week 1.
  • All students are expected to arrive at school, no later than 8:25am for an 8:30am start. 
  • New students to our College are required to meet at the Hugh O'Brien Centre (HOB)
  • Returning students are to assemble in their Pastoral Group; rooms are listed on their timetable.
  • Students timetable can viewed on both the Parent and Student Portals.  
  • Books and stationery can be brought in over two days, please refer to the timetable. 
  • Laptops need to be fully charged prior to the start of school on Tuesday.  
  • Students are required to bring a lock for their locker; this can be a lock that requires either a code or key. 
  • The College Tuckshop will operate with a reduced menu in Week 1, the full menu will commence from Week 2.


Mobile phones can only be accessed in the first ten minutes of each break, at student's locker. Phones are then locked away for the remainder of the school day. If students wish to purchase food from the Tuckshop, they will need to use either cash or their physical debit card. 

Meet the Head of Year 10, John Cahill 


Welcome to 2024 and to what I hope to be a very successful year.  For those who I have not had the opportunity to meet yet, my name is John Cahill and I am excited to be the Head Of Year 10 again this year.  


I have been a teacher for 25 years who has been fortunate enough to have taught students from Prep to Year 12, both within the local area and overseas.  I have been a staff member of St Mary’s since 2015 and my three children have all attended this fine College. 


Year 10 is an important year for students. The senior uniform brings with it increased expectations but also increased opportunities. Significant decisions will be made this year regarding future pathways, and I look forward to working with families as we make this journey together.  Some key events that occur throughout this year will be:

  • Work Experience
  • Year 10 Retreat
  • Senior Subject Selection

Information regarding the Work Experience Program will be sent out during the middle of Term 1 as students prepare to experience a potential career pathway during Week 10 of Term 1.


My role as Head of Year (HOY) is to support students and their families, in all matters that don’t relate to the curriculum. Put simply, I aim to help in the growth and development of good people and provide opportunities for students to develop skills that make coping in this complex world a little easier. 


If at any stage during the year you have a concern, I would encourage you to please make contact.


Kind regards,


John Cahill 

Head of Year 10