Welcome to the 2024 Academic Year!  

2024 Pastoral Leadership Team
2024 Pastoral Leadership Team

The countdown to Day 1, Week 1 is just about done; congratulations parents and carers, you have successfully made it through the 8 week summer holiday period! We hope your child is ready and excited to return to school next week, we are certainly excited to welcome them back for a jam-packed 2024 academic year. 


As we hope you experienced, the holidays for us was a time of rest and renewal. We certainly took the time to visit our families who live away from Cairns, and enjoyed plenty of downtime with our partners and families. We encourage students to chat with us about the holidays, we would love to hear about the adventures they had. 


Our enthusiastic teaching staff have been busy this week preparing engaging lessons ready for our student’s return on Tuesday. When you next visit the College, you will see our maintenance team has also been hard at work over the Christmas period. The school grounds are looking absolutely sensational, we thank the team for their tireless work, especially during the aftermath of Cyclone Jasper and subsequent floods. 


This year, there are some new faces in the Pastoral Leadership Team along with plenty of familiar ones, too. In the pages following, your Head of Year has written to introduce themselves, please take a moment to read over their messages. Please also encourage your child to introduce themselves to the new teaching staff, it will no doubt be greatly appreciated! 


Please also know that the entire Pastoral Team is always available to talk with students and families at any point, so please do not hesitate to reach out to anyone on the team!


We are so looking forward to the year ahead, please keep an eye out for the weekly Pastoral Bulletin as it will contain all the important information needed to keep you and your child fully informed as we navigate the year. 


All the best,

Leah McBryde
Justin Brennan
Leah McBryde
Justin Brennan


Leah McBryde                                                                     Justin Brennan

Assistant Principal | Junior Secondary                         Assistant Principal | Senior Secondary