This Week's Updates

Dear Parents,
Welcome back to the new school year.
I hope your families had a relaxing break and your children are eager to return to school (if they aren’t then maybe you’re eager for them to return!)
Here are a few updates to help with the first week back.
Assessment Days Yr 1 - 6 Students
You should have booked in for either Tuesday or Wednesday 8.30 - 11.30am or 12.30 - 3.30pm. Please ensure students are on time and in their 2024 classroom by 8.30am. They may wear casual clothes and bring along their drink bottle and a snack.
Assessment Days Prep Students
These slots are only for 30 mins, so parents may either stay in the quadrangle or depart for 25 mins and return to collect your child. These will be in their 2024 Prep classroom.
Prep First Day
Wednesday 1 February 9.00am - 12.00pm. As we said at the information session, feel free to bring along the entourage to walk your children down the driveway and across the quadrangle and take photos. We will set up a photo taking spot but feel free to take photos anywhere you see fit.
Please do not take the entourage into the classroom. For ease of settling in, walk your child to their teacher or Learning Support Officer, say a quick goodbye and depart. Please talk through this process with your child prior to arriving at school so that they are aware that you will be departing once you have dropped them into their classroom.
Office Administration News
Michelle Wells accepted a position in another field over the holidays and will be finishing up at St James on Friday. Although only with us for two years, Michelle quickly became an invested, vibrant and supportive member of our St James staff. We will miss her efficiency, care and sense of humour. Advertisements for our new Admin officer close on Wednesday.
Fee Statements
Please note that hard copies of your Statements will be sent home with your eldest child by the end of this week. Direct Debit forms need to be renewed this year, they will be emailed via Operoo. Any previous arrangements will be null and void.
Farm Help
We are looking for Term 1 farm helpers. If you are available to feed the chickens and collect the eggs on any weekends in Term 1, please contact Jo Magnik directlyon
Medical Information
Please complete and upload all necessary forms on Operoo.
Please hand any relevant medication into the office this week.
Upcoming Dates
- Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd Feb - All students here 8.50am (the music plays at 8.45am for students to move into classes) - 3.20pm.
- Please see Important Dates for further information.
Have a great week.