From the Leadership Team
Rob French, Principal
The seasonal cycles of the school year
There is something uniquely special about working in schools and being part of the cycle that defines a school year.
I often reflect on this each week while supervising the Years 11 and 12 study in the Tree House, a routine I've maintained every Wednesday morning since I joined Kilvington three years ago. It's a beautiful space with windows that open up over the PVC lawn and the ever-present oak tree.
I always love the start of the school year and the accompanying buzz of activity as students return from their long summer break, tanned, refreshed, and ready to dive into the new year.
From the Tree House, I watch the warm summer days unfold and hear the distinctive hum of cicadas as the pace of the year picks up. Students quickly settle back into the rhythm of school life, and launch back into sport, music, drama and a wide range of other activities that enrich their learning and experiences.
The year quickly gathers momentum, and before long, the oak tree's leaves begin to change and cooler days settle in around us.
Early in Term 2, our Senior School students embark on their camps, and the excitement of the High School Musical production fills the stage.
As winter unfolds, a sense of cosiness settles over the Tree House, with rain tapping gently on the windows, bracing us for the colder months ahead. A stunning Concerto Concert, victories in several EISM grand finals, and the Years 11 and 12 Formal herald the conclusion of Term 2.
Then comes Term 3, and the final stretch for our Year 12 students is well and truly upon us. From our Tree House vantage point, we see the coming of spring and our oak tree coming into bloom. It's a special time of year as Melbourne seems to wake from a winter nap and AFL finals begin.
We enjoy an amazing Annual Concert at the Melbourne Recital Centre, and our Junior School students conclude the term with a thoroughly entertaining production of The Wizard of Oz. The inaugural Colour Run at EE Gunn adds to the excitement of the end of term.
By this stage, our refurbished Middle School corridor, soon to be renamed Barring-Buluk (traditional Boonwurrung language for ‘many footprints’), is really taking shape.
The final term begins and, before we know it, we are farewelling our Year 12s and inducting a new group of leaders.
Junior School students head off to various camp locations, and we begin preparations for Celebration Night and a number of other concerts and end-of-year events. From my vantage point in the Tree House, the late-spring sunshine announces that the end of year is fast approaching.
And now, we find ourselves in the final days of the school year. Walking through the corridors, it's easy to sense the excitement and buzz as Christmas and the holidays quickly approach. Long summer days accompany us, as we busily prepare for end-of-year assemblies, including the graduation of our Year 6 students.
In Senior School, students are preparing for House Performing Arts as they take on Early Commencement and the challenges that come with stepping up to the next year level. In the hive of activity that is the ELC, each class is working hard to present a wonderful concert to their parents.
From my vantage point in the Tree House, the colours and sounds of summer are clearly evident as another cohort of Year 12s take ownership of this special room.
The cycle of another school year concludes, and 2024 is behind us.
I sincerely thank our entire School community of students, parents and staff for helping to make it such a memorable year, and wish everyone a safe and relaxing holiday.
I now look forward to 2025, and the accompanying buzz of activity when our students, both new and returning, arrive back refreshed from the long summer break, ready to dive into the new year.
VCE results
All the very best to our Year 12 students, along with Year 11 students who have undertaken a Unit 3 and 4 study this year, as they receive their VCE results next Thursday. I will share topline results with our community on the day.
Support will be available at School throughout Thursday, and Andrew Johnson will be ready to assist with any changes to course preferences.
Year 12 students are invited to a Morning Tea at 10.30am on Thursday to spend time with their peers and teachers.
Kilvington excels at NAPLAN
It's fantastic to see our school recognised for its outstanding 2024 NAPLAN results. Our Year 9 students ranked among the top 20 Victorian independent schools, while our Year 5 students placed in the top 35 independent and state primary schools in Victoria. An amazing achievement by our dedicated students—bravo!
Read more here.
2024 Yearbook
Students will receive their copy of the 2024 Kilvington Yearbook on Tuesday 10 December. It has been an amazing year and there is much to celebrate thanks to our students, staff and families. We hope you enjoy it.
Staffing news
In November, we farewelled Junior School French Teacher, Kim Mullins. Kim has relocated to Darwin to take up a position at Haileybury Rendall School. We are glad to welcome her replacement, Christelle Breimeyer, also in November. Christelle joins us with many years of experience from Caulfield Junior College and has settled in well.
We also farewelled Digital Technologies Teacher, Celestine Yeung, as she has commenced parental leave for her second child. We wish Celestine and her family all the best as they prepare to welcome their newest addition.
At the end of the year, we will be saying goodbye to the following staff members:
- Iva Roncevic, English Teacher, who is joining Mentone Grammar School.
- Anna Kasapis, PE and Health Teacher, who is joining Overnewton Anglican Community College.
- Ruby Spaargaren, Junior School teacher, who is heading back overseas to teach.
- Bree Moore, Junior School Learning Support, who will be leaving us for a teaching position closer to home.
- Elly Richardson, School Nurse, will also be leaving us at the end of January to explore new opportunities closer to her family.
Karen Bryce, VCE Coordinator and Food and Health Teacher, will be heading off on long service leave for two terms to enjoy a well-deserved break. Karen will also be stepping down from her role as VCE Coordinator, with Dasha Lepustin set to take over this position in 2025.
We will be welcoming some new staff members to the team in 2025, and I look forward to introducing them to the community early in the new year.