College Updates

Welcoming Our New Staff
We would like to formally welcome our new staff to Lowanna College - we are very happy to have them as part of our team.
•Lisa Knowles – Assistant Principal
•Therese Gorton – Health and Human Development Teacher
•Natasha Wendt – Science Team
•Bec Cameron - Science Team
•Scott van Dyke – PE/Maths Teacher
•Carline Parmenter - Science Team
•Jacinta Race-Lyons – English Team
•Michelle Dodkins – First Aid Officer
•Tom Kelly – Green Tradies Program
•Kara Murfett – Learning Support
•Gabby Rosenboom – Learning Support
•Michael Douglas – Learning Support
•Nicolle Paynter – Learning Support
•Marcelle Anderson – Canteen Assistant
•Tahni Hodgens – Sports Trainee
•Ruby Grech – Food Technology Assistant
•Hayley Nelson – Learning Tutor (Numeracy)
•Chelsea Anderson – Learning Tutor (Numeracy)
•Jacob Vitale - English Team
Introducing the SRC
Congratulations to our newly appointed SRC, pictured below.
2024 School Captains
Introducing our 2024 School Captains - Stephanie Nowell, Brooke Hunter, Lachlan Wallace and Oakley Vickery-Howe. We look forward to seeing them as student leaders this year.
Presentation Night 2023
Late last year we held our Annual Awards Night, celebrating student achievements for the 2023 school year. Congratulations to all of our award recipients and well done on your hard work throughout the year. Thank you again to our generous sponsors who supported the students on the night;
A For Assets
Baw Baw Shire
Rotary Club of Moe
Moe Lion's Club
Tafe Gippsland
Beleza School Uniforms
Brad's Tractors
Connected Travel
Head Start
Iridium Electricians
Jarrod Ryan Painting
Simfix Building
Latrobe Valley Bus Lines
Mining & Energy Union
Moartz Inc.
Newark Avenue Store
Triangle Trophy Centre
Cool Aqua Springs
IntoWork Australia
The National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) 2024 for Years 7 and 9 students will occur between Wednesday the 13th and Monday the 25th of March. The online testing platform is adaptive, ensuring that each test is more accurately pitched to individual student ability levels. NAPLAN tests the skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life, such as reading, writing, spelling, grammar, and numeracy. Literacy and numeracy skills are a critical foundation for other learning and for productive and rewarding participation in the larger community.
It is important to remember that NAPLAN is not about passing and failing, but about assessing your child’s learning progress.
At the classroom level, NAPLAN is one of several important tools used by teachers to measure your child’s progress. Teachers use this information to challenge high performing students and identify students who require extra support. Importantly, NAPLAN starts a conversation about strategies to best support your child’s future learning.
Schools use NAPLAN results to identify strengths and weaknesses in teaching programs and to set goals for numeracy and literacy. Programs can be changed and modified for different year level needs.
NAPLAN results are directly linked to the funding support Lowanna receives for programs, so it is essential that all students complete NAPLAN if we are to continue to receive this vital support.
Although no preparation or study is required, the NAPLAN tests expose your child to a formal testing process which will enable them to build academic resilience and stamina for later years.
In keeping with Lowanna’s culture of high expectations, NAPLAN data will be used to recognise and celebrate student growth and achievement.
NAPLAN is about driving student growth and improvement at Lowanna. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that your child actively participates in NAPLAN. Because of the ongoing educational impacts of the global COVID pandemic, the information Lowanna obtains from the tests this year will be even more vital in determining educational interventions to support future success for every one of our students.
Please, help us, help your children.
Beleza Warragul
Beleza Warragul is now stocking Lowanna College uniform, open 6 days a week!
College Canteen
Our canteen is having a makeover and this year we have introduced a new and healthier menu for our students, ensuring that their health and wellbeing is our number one priority! Please see menu below.
*Please be advised that the canteen only takes cash and Compass payments.
Compass Canteen
We are excited to launch the new Compass Canteen, where students and parents can pay for canteen items using their Compass Wallet, which is linked to students Compass cards. Please refer below, and on Compass, to view the 'How-To-Guide'.
*Please note that the College Canteen takes cash or Compass payments, there are no eftpos facilities.
College Uniform and Uniform Exchange
To view our Uniform Policy, please visit our website.
Our Uniform Exchange ensures that students are in the correct school uniform every day. For more information, please contact the General Office on 5127 9200.
Year 7 and 10 Immunisations
Consent forms should have been completed for upcoming immunisations. If you have any questions, please call the General Office on 5127 9200.
Falls Creek Snow Camp EOI's
We are currently taking Expressions of Interest for the Falls Creek Snow Camp later this year, which is open to students in Years 7-11. Snow Camp is a highlight of many students schooling, where they have a week of learning how to ski/snowboard as well as making lifelong memories with their school friends and building strong relationships with their teachers.
Dates: 18-23 August 2024
Cost: Approximately $1200-$1400
EOI's close on Friday 3 May. Students will be advised shortly after this if they have been selected to attend. Full payment is due by Friday 19 July.
EOI on the link below;
*Please note that this camp is subject to School Council approval.
Middle School Camp EOI's
Middle School Camp Expressions of Interest are now open! This camp is available to Year 9 and 10 students and is being held at the Gold Coast! What a great opportunity for students to experience a new place and have fun at the theme parks! EOI's close on Friday the 15th of March - please express your interest using the below link.
*Please note that this camp is subject to School Council approval.
School Photos
School Photo Day is scheduled for Tuesday the 27th of February. Ordering of school photos is now available on Compass. If you have any issues with ordering, or have any questions regarding photos, please contact MSP Photography directly.
Year 7 Food Studies
Our Year 7 students are getting used to high school life, and enjoyed making salad wraps and milkshakes in Food Studies class recently.
Moe Lions Club Young Citizen of the Year Award
Congratulations to Year 11 student Noah Parkinson who was awarded the Moe Lions Club Young Citizen of the Year Award at the recent Australia Day ceremony. Noah spends much of his spare time volunteering, and it is wonderful to see this being recongised by the community.
Noah and teacher Judy Stewart photographed above.
Breakfast Club
Arts Update
Year 8 and Year 9 Painting and Drawing students have been learning about the Elements of Art.
Year 10 Ceramics students have started their first practical project and are learning foundation hand-building skills.
Year 11 VCE Art students have been learning about the Creative Practice and documenting and reflecting on their sources of visual inspiration to use for developmental drawings.
Swimming Carnival
Last Thursday we held the Annual Swimming Carnival at the Moe Outdoor Pool. Students and staff dressed up in their house colours, and the sun was shining after the recent storms. Students participated in swimming and other water sports including tunnel ball and volleyball. Congratulations to the Blue Sharks who came out on top, winning the 2024 swimming carnival.
Open Day 2024
This year we are hosting Open Day on Wednesday the 24th of April with an Information Evening for families at 7pm to follow. If your child does not attend a local primary school but you are interested in sending them to Lowanna College, please contact the General Office on 5127 9200.
Medical Action Plans
A reminder to supply Lowanna’s First Aid Team with your child’s medical action plans.
For your convenience, we have attached the following links for action plans. Please note that a medical practitioner must fill out and sign the document before returning to the school.
Anaphylaxis Action Plans:
Asthma Action Plans:
Diabetic Action Plans:
Epilepsy & Seizure Management Plans: