Religious Education

Dear Parents/Carers,


Every year at St Bede's we have a scripture focus that we break open and explore how this can guide us in our daily lives. This year our scripture focus is;


"Be kind and compassionate to one another, 

forgiving each other, 

just as in Christ God forgave you"

Ephesians 4:32


The children will be introduced to the scripture both in their classrooms and at the beginning of school year mass next Friday. All classes will create a prayer mat that is based on this scripture piece as we explore how scripture is rich and relevant in our everyday.


Beginning of School Year Mass

Friday 9th February is our beginning of school year mass. Everyone is warmly welcomed. Mass is at 9.15am at St Bede's Church.


First Eucharist Commitment Mass

Our Grade 4 children will commence their preparations for their First Eucharist this term. The Commitment Masses for  First Eucharist  are on Saturday 24 February at 6pm or Sunday 25 February at 11am. Families just need to choose one mass to attend with their child.



Religious Education Leader