Cranbourne Campus News

This year we welcomed an unprecedented number of new members to the St Peter's community for their first day. Not only do we have 195 new year 7's, our biggest group yet, we also have welcomed a large number of students coming from other local schools, interstate and some who have experienced the enormous change having migrated to Australia from overseas. Furthermore at our opening school mass we will welcome new staff also, some who start their career with us and others who have come to St Peter's to share their experience as they continue their vocation of helping young people with learning .
Our new students were welcomed to the community at the Welcome Assembly on the first day. The next step in your welcome is when our new students and their parents attend our Year 7 and New Student Welcome evening on Thursday 22 February 6:30 pm - 8 pm. Year 7's will learn a little more about the College and all of our new students will then meet their House Leader and Learning Advisor.
Whether it is your first day at St Peter's or your “last - first day” (which is what the Year 12's called Thursday), it is absolutely normal to be nervous. The message at school and the message we ask you to echo at home is to 'lean into the challenge of something new, rather than shy away from it.‘ It is about building resilience through taking small risks ~ in the words of Matt Lambert of Aussie hiphop band Hilltop Hoods ‘ we would never have evolved if we hadn't stood in the cold.’
Leadership Training Day
The elected portfolio Captains and House Captains participated in Leadership Training Day alongside the Clyde North Campus leaders second day back of term. They undertook a number of sessions centred around ‘Head, Heart and Hands’, looking at different leadership styles, how to be an effective leader, as well as spending time planning their ideas for the year ahead. They enjoyed both morning tea and lunch together, with a great vibe about the year ahead proving evident.
On the first day back this year I was greeted by a group of senior Vocational Major boys who had spent the morning having breakfast together before coming across to Tutor Group. I then met with a group of Year 12 girls who had done the same thing. These are just some examples, albeit great ones, of the type of belonging and community that we aspire for all students to feel at St Peter's.
Don't Miss it!!!
- Year 7 & New student House Welcome Evening- Thursday 22 Feb 6:30pm start at Cranbourne Campus (parking on the Basketball Courts ~ more details to come)
Mr Jeremy Wright
Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus