Principal's Message

A message from our Principal

Dear Families


A big thank you to everyone for a very smooth start to the year. It is great to see so many settled classrooms with students in full uniform, following our values of respect, responsibility and honesty. Our library refurbishment is finally completed and our oval works are coming along nicely, along with our very big water tanks that have been installed to accommodate the up keep of the oval.





Curriculum Day

On Wednesday 14th February all of the staff at Wyndham Vale Primary School spent the day undertaking important training for their jobs. This included First Aid, CPR, Mandatory Reporting, Protect Training, Asthma, Diabetes and Anaphylaxis training. It was a great day of learning!



And just a reminder that our other pupil free days for the rest of the year are:

  • Friday, April 26  (The day AFTER the ANZAC day public holiday)
  • Monday, November 4  (The day BEFORE the Melbourne Cup Day public holiday)



Parent Teacher Interviews


Parent Teacher Interviews can now be booked via Compass for students in Grade 1 to 6. Please choose a ten minute time slot for either Monday 26th February between 3pm-4pm or Thursday 29th February between 3pm-6:30pm.




Parent consent

A reminder that Parent Consent books are due Wednesday 21st February. We kindly ask that you complete these promptly as children will not be able participate in many school activities if we don’t have an indication of your preferences.  You will need to complete a separate one for each of your children. These can be complete online via Compass but If you prefer not to complete this online, paper copies are available at the front office.  


Swimming Trials

Thank you to all the families that took their children down to the Werribee Outdoor pool last Friday afternoon to try out for the school swim team. Werribee Districts have some tough restrictions on how many students can enter and the times they require to make the team so congratulations to the students who were able to meet all the requirements of Districts and will be representing Wyndham Vale Primary School on Thursday 22nd February.


Foundation Rest Days


A reminder to our Foundation families that students have two more rest days coming up on Wednesday 21st and 28th February. Please make sure you arrive on time to your child’s scheduled interview.




School Nurse

Recently Foundation students were provided information about the Primary School Nursing Program, along with a link to an online version of the School Entrant Health Questionnaire. This can be accessed and completed on a mobile phone, computer or tablet. Participation in the program is not mandatory and parent/carer consent is required for the Primary School Nurse to see your child. If you do not wish to participate, you are encouraged to register and select ‘No I do not consent’ in the online questionnaire so that your response is recorded. Please see your child’s classroom teacher if you need support with this.



Community Picnic


This not to miss event is happening in only 4 weeks. Mark Thursday 14th March in your diaries and get ready for an afternoon of fun. From 3pm staff and students will run a variety of stalls from the lucky dip to hair spray and fairy floss. There will be a food vans, entertainment and much, much more!



Bravehearts Incursion

On Tuesday 20th February our Grade 1 students will be involved in the Bravehearts Incursion. This interactive show is a personal safety education program providing students with personal safety tools and strategies while supporting positive self-esteem and resilience-building.


Brain food

A reminder that students are welcome to eat fresh fruit and veggies and have water in between each of the two hour sessions each day.


A big thank you to the many families who have already paid the Parent Voluntary Contribution.  This payment contributes to the cost of the consumable supplies used by students in the classroom every day, throughout the year.  Whilst this payment is voluntary, it does assist us with redirecting other monies towards additional resources for student use. Payment can be made online, via your Compass App, or through the front office.




Hannah Gillett and her husband Joel, welcomed the safe arrival of their baby girl, Willow Mollie Gillett who was born on 24th January 2024.

Congratulations !!


Vanessa Paul her husband Kane and Ezra welcomed the safe arrival of Elijah born 22nd December 2023. Ezra is enjoying his big brother duties. 


Congratulations !!


 Mrs Bowden (Ms Rhiannon), her husband Ryan and daughter Ada welcomed the safe arrival of baby Mia to the family on February 13th 2024. 


School Council

Tonight is the final meeting of the current school council and we are, therefore, calling for nominations of the new school council.  School council meetings are held eight or nine times a year, on the third Thursday of the month with a minimum of two meetings per term.  There is a mix of onsite and online meetings for this.  School Councilors are elected for a period of two years, with some retiring at each election, which is held in March. Our standing orders allow for a membership of 9:  three staff members, five                                                        parent members and one community member.                                                                      

At the end of this school council meeting we say farewell to the following people – who are retiring due to their term of office finishing (Please note: these people are eligible for re-election, should they choose to stand again):


Parent representatives ● Uday Nadella ● Sharon Gatt ● Chris Sutcliffe 

Departmental representatives ● Salvatore Farfalla 

Community member • David Sivaraj 


The Principal is automatically a member of the School Council as it is one of the terms of their contract. Many thanks to each person for their work on the School Council. Your commitment is much appreciated, and you are most welcome to re-nominate if that is your wish. The school council serves an important role in the life of the school, and your work in this area cannot be undervalued. 


Many thanks to these people for their work on the School Council.  The school council serves an important role in the life of the school, and their work in this area cannot be undervalued. 


This notice serves as the call for nominations; nominations are able to be received from 8.45am next Monday morning (February 19th), and will close at 4.00pm on Monday, February 26th.  If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies available an election will be held.  This election will be called on Monday, March 4th and polls will close on Tuesday, March 12th at 4pm.  In this instance the school community will be notified of the outcome via a special newsletter.




Have a great weekend.



Jodie Gauci

Acting Principal