School Captain's Message

I’m Caleb and I am one of your School Captains for this year. As a School Captain, I have a say in making changes within our school, and I have many great ideas. Here are a few things that I want to achieve this year:
- Getting our School Canteen to be more environmentally friendly.
- Promoting Active Travel alongside our ambassadors so more people walk and ride to school.
- To make sure our school is a safe and fun place for all people, whether they are our students, teachers, parents, or others outside this school.
These are things I want to embrace and I hope to make this year a great year for our school.
Thank You - Caleb
Dear Parents and Students,
My name is Devanya and I am one of the School Captains for 2024. I wanted to become a School Captain because it meant that I get to help the school and its community.
Here are some ideas that I would like to put forward to the School Council.
As you might already know, there are so many books in our school library but only one Librarian. So, I was thinking of reaching out to other students and convincing them to keep the library as a wonderful environment.
Another thing that I would like to change is the Grade 5 and 6 playground. I have heard a large number of students complaining about how there is barely any equipment to play on. I would like to fix that issue by a few more things like a giant slide, a big rock climbing wall or even just monkey bars could make such a big difference.
These are a few of my ideas which I would like to add to the school. With the help of my friends, I hope that at the end of the year, I walk out knowing that I have done everything I could to make the school a better place.
I hope you have a wonderful year in WVPS.
Dear all,
My name is Chaitra , from 6C. I’m here for you as a school Vice Captain. My goal is to fulfil students’ and teachers’ realistic needs and demands. I believe that I’m a good listener and hence, I can convey problems and solutions to both students and teachers. I will come up with the best ideas that will improve student’s ‘learning skills, presentation skills and showcase their talents.
I will make sure to justify my role.
Thank you - Chaitra
My name is Ysabella and I’m one of the Vice Captains for 2024. I became part of the school council because I want to help make the school a better place for lots of students and leave the school better than I found it. These are some of the ideas I have for our school.
My first idea is to have a safe area to play soccer. I have seen the boys playing soccer but sometimes they are really rough and some people have the potential to get hurt. People hardly use the oval for soccer even when it’s not under construction. If we make space for soccer and encourage students to use the new oval, I think it will really affect the school in a better way.
We also need to focus on bringing nude food to school! Most people bring food with wrappers and they don’t always put it in the bin. Bringing brain food with no wrappers reduces the amount of littering in our school, and maybe we can set special dates where classes do challenges to bring nude food.
Finally maybe we can help the canteen come up with healthier food choices because whenever I go to the canteen there are no fruits or veggies and some kids are not allowed to eat sweets so it becomes really unfair for them. If we add foods like apple slices and small salads kids can eat them and it won’t be unfair for anyone.
Thank you for reading this newsletter and hearing my ideas. We all hope that all of you have a good year at Wyndham Vale Primary School!