Parents and Friends Group

How can I help?
The Parents & Friends Group is made up of adults from within our school community. We have a range of people who like participating in most of the events, others who prefer to help twice a term for Scholastic Bookclub and the group of parents who can only assist during school hours or on weekends.
You are welcome to participate as often as you wish and all activities are open to families of our school. The more the merrier!
If you would like to help with our upcoming Easter Raffle or our stall for the Community Picnic, please email your expression of interest to:
Community Picnic
The annual WVPS Community Picnic is next month and we have something brewing behind the scenes.
Stay tuned!
Easter Raffle
We are preparing for the Annual Parents & Friends Easter Raffle.
In previous years, we were able to raise over $3,400 thanks to local businesses and families at our school who generously donated Easter themed goodies for our raffle hampers.
If you're interested in making a contribution, we are currently accepting donations of Easter chocolates, hamper fillers and hamper bases. Donations can be made to the front office.
We would like to thank everyone for their support!