Learning & Teaching

Semester 1 Examinations

Thank you to our Year 9, 10 and 11 students for the conscientious way they completed their Semester 1 Examinations. Students should all have received their results and feedback, before the end of term. Results and feedback should also be available, for students and parents, on SEQTA Learn and Engage. Students should reflect on this and then identify strategies to implement for continued improvement in their examination performance, in the future. 


Semester 2 Begins

Semester 2 classes commenced for all students on Monday 17 June. This is an important time for students to re-establish learning goals for the forthcoming semester. 


Semester Reports

Semester 1 Reports will be published in the first week of the holidays. The Semester 1 Report provides a summary of learning behaviours, progress and achievement over the first semester. This supplements our continuous reporting, through SEQTA, which enables students and parents to access assessment-task results throughout the semester, as they are released. More importantly, feedback is provided in relation to tasks that should enable students to reflect on where they are presently in their learning, where they want to get to next, and steps to get there. Please take the time to go through the Semester 1 Report and the detailed feedback on SEQTA, with your daughter, identifying strengths and achievements, areas for improvement, and strategies to progress towards future goals.


Based on the Semester Reports, high academic achievers will be recognised through Academic Excellence Certificates, to be awarded early in Term 3. In addition, Marian Learner Certificates will be presented to students who have consistently demonstrated exemplary learning behaviours. Our teachers also use assessment data to inform their program planning for Semester 2 and to personalise the learning for our students. 


Subject Selection Processes for 2025

When we return at the beginning of next term, the subject selection process for 2025 will be underway. Our Parent/Student Information Webinars will commence on Wednesday 17 July for students entering Year 11 in 2025. This will be followed by the Year 10 2025 Webinar on Monday 22 July and Year 9 2025 on Monday 29 July. 


On Friday 19 July, there is a Subject Information Expo, at school, for Year 10 students, entering Year 11 in 2025. The Expo will provide students with the opportunity to investigate Marian College pathways and subjects. Furthermore, a range of tertiary institutions will be on site on that day so that students can investigate post-school pathways. 


All Year 10 students have completed the Morrisby Profile and almost all have had a one-to-one mentoring session with one of our Careers and Pathways Staff. These will be completed at the beginning of next term. Homeroom/Mentor Teachers and other selected staff will be providing additional mentoring for students through this process.


Subject information sessions are also scheduled for students entering Years 9 and 10 in 2025 with key staff including Instructional Leaders, Learning Associates, the Pathways and Careers Team, and the Senior Programs Leader. 


Applications for VCE and VCE VET Unit 3/4 Accelerated Studies will open when we return in Term 3, as will applications for the VCE – Vocational Major. 


A letter outlining all subject selection processes will be sent out to families in the coming week.  


Jane Goddard 

Assistant to the Principal- Learning and Teaching