Principal's Message

Dear members of the Marian community 


The weather may be getting brisker, but our school community remains warmed by both activity and spirit. This season offers us a unique opportunity to reflect on the values that unite us and guide us forward. 


Let us consider how we can be humble, strong, and energetic in serving our friends, teachers, and the entire Marian community. In the spirit of our Brigidine Charism, we are reminded of St. Brigid's teachings: humility in recognizing the worth of others, strength in standing up for what is right, and energy in our daily actions that benefit those around us. This winter, as we embrace these virtues, let us also show hope by setting goals and supporting one another in achieving them. Our community thrives when we embody the spirit of St. Brigid, acting justly, loving tenderly, and walking humbly with our God.


There is so much to show gratitude for in this newsletter.



Recently, I had the privilege of attending the Principal's Association of Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools (PAVCSS) conference in Healesville. One of the highlights was hearing from Sr Barbara Reid, O.P., Ph.D., a distinguished scholar from Boston who shared profound insights on leadership from a biblical perspective. Her themes "Biblical Models of Leadership," and “Prophetic Leadership’ provided a deep exploration of how ancient texts can inform contemporary leadership practices, especially in the context of service, community building and being the voice of hope within our communities. Her sessions were both theoretical and practical, emphasising the importance of non-hierarchical relationships and inclusive, participatory leadership. These insights are particularly meaningful for us at Marian College as we strive to nurture young leaders who are not only academically accomplished but also compassionate and socially responsible.


Mid Year Exams

Year 10 and 11 students recently completed mid-year exams. The exam supervisors commended students on their approach to the exams and the way in which they have embraced it as an important opportunity to learn. Congratulations to all students for your dedication and commitment to your self-care, your goals and your ambitions. We hope that this has allowed you to develop some key skills and strategies that will stand you in good stead for your future exams.


Year 10 and 11 students recently completed their mid-year exams, earning high commendation from the exam supervisors for their exemplary approach and positive attitude. Congratulations to all students for your dedication and commitment to self-care and your commitment to excellence. 


Yr 12 Retreat

The Year 12 retreat was a resounding success, providing students with a memorable and enriching experience. Over the course of the retreat, students engaged in various activities that fostered personal growth, spiritual reflection, and strengthened bonds within the cohort. The participants appreciated the opportunity to disconnect from their daily routines and focus on their inner development and connections with each other. 


Yr 9 City Experience Camp  

The Year 9 City Experience Camp was an exciting and educational adventure for our students. They explored various landmarks, participated in interactive activities, and gained a deeper understanding of urban life and culture. The camp provided opportunities for hands-on learning, teamwork, and personal growth, leaving students with valuable experiences and memories.


Sporting Competitions 

This month, our students showcased their talents and sportsmanship in various sporting competitions. 


CGSAV teams from different year levels competed in AFL, Cross-Country and badminton, achieving impressive results and displaying great teamwork. The dedication and enthusiasm of our athletes were evident, making us proud of their hard work and commitment. Congratulations to all participants for their efforts and achievements!



Language Week immersed our students in the rich diversity of languages and cultures from around the world. The event featured engaging activities, fun workshops, and interactive sessions designed to enhance language skills and cultural awareness. Students enthusiastically participated, broadening their global perspectives and appreciating the beauty of languages. It was a fantastic opportunity for learning and growth, and we thank everyone who contributed to its success!


Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our vibrant school community. Let's stay warm, stay connected, and continue to inspire and uplift each other through this beautiful season.


Angela Romano 
