From the Assistant Principal Innovation, Inclusion and Wellbeing

Mr. Jason Puttnins

Please check the label of your child's uniform!

As we approach the end of another fantastic school term, it's important to take a moment to ensure everything is in order before we part ways for the holidays.  Over the past few weeks, we have seen an increase in students misplacing items, in particularly their school zip up jacket.  


Schools are a busy place, where the items can easily disappear for a few days before returning to their owner. Over the next 2 weeks, can you please take a moment to check the name on your child's jacket and hat tag. If your child has picked up another student's belongings by accident, please drop if off into the front office so it can be reunited with their rightful owner.


If your child's uniform does not have a name clearly recorded on the tag, then please ensure that your child's name is clearly written on your child's uniform which will help us reunite lost items with their owner swiftly. 

Have a safe and enjoyable break!

As Term 2 finishes today, if I do not have the opportunity to say in person, then I would like to wish you, your child and your family a safe and blessed break from school. Term 2 was an exciting and busy term filled with excursions, carnivals, celebrations of 100 days of school and the fare welling of Shannon and the celebration of her time at St Brigid's School as principal.


As we look forward to Paula Burns stepping in as Acting Principal, I am also looking forward to another Term filled with exciting learning opportunities and sharing lifelong memories together as a community.


See you all when we return on Tuesday 23rd July. 


Yours in Love, Peace and Learning,


Jason Puttnins


Assistant Principal: Innovation, Inclusion and Wellbeing