From the Acting Principal

Paula Burns

As I write this newsletter, I am filled with deep gratitude for the honour of once again being Acting Principal of St Brigid's School  for Term 3.


It was with mixed emotions that we farewelled Shannon Correll, who has been a fantastic leader of our school for just over four years. We wish her every success in her new role as Principal of Catholic Special Schools South Australia. Thank you to all the families who passed on their good wishes and to those who attended the Farewell Mass and afternoon tea. I know Shannon appreciated it very much.


We celebrated the graduation of some of our Flourishing Hearts class, who will be starting Reception in Term 3. We look forward to them joining their new classmates across our two existing Reception classes.


As Term 2 finishes, reflecting on the term and the events that have taken place, the learning that has occurred, and the activities that have been completed, I feel so fortunate to work in such a thriving, lively school community. However, as St Therese teaches us, my greatest joy daily, is seeing our students and staff "do the ordinary things with extraordinary love." I feel truly blessed.


On behalf of the school community, I would like to wish you and all our St Brigid's community a safe, wonderful, joy-filled break.


We look forward to welcoming the students back on TUESDAY, 23RD JULY.


Yours in Love, Peace and Learning,

Paula Burns

Acting Principal