Around the Primary Classes

Kinder has been reading the storybook ‘This is Not my Hat’ by Jon Klassen. It has helped us to consider how we can treat others, show respect and be trustworthy peers.
As one creative response, we created our very own hats with our “Big Girl Friends”. We got to showcase our designs, with our very own Kinder Fashion Parade.
What a wonderful and busy Term we have had in Prep! We have enjoyed many wonderful events and activities this term. We have had many new learning opportunities and are proud of our new skills and knowledge. Some of our highlights for Term 2 include:
- Hosting our first Early Years Assembly
- Welcoming back our Flat Stanleys’ from all around the world
- Going on excursion to Fullers Bookstore and the Royal Botanical Gardens
- Field Day
- Our incursion with the ‘Robot Man’
- First Aid Training- and learning how to apply bandages
- Learning many new sounds and tricky words in InitaLit
- Completing some amazing artwork
- Learning about our senses in Science- especially our taste test
- Adventures at Nature Play
- Learning about materials and completing design and building challenges
Year 1
Term 2 has been so much fun! There have been too many amazing highlights to mention, so here are our favourite memories.
- We love going to Nature Play, making up our own games with stick, leaves and mud. And of course, splashing in the creek.
- Our writing has improved a lot! Learning new sounds to help with our spelling and writing super sentences. We know how to add adjectives to our writing, making it more entertaining. We even wrote a postcard from the perspective of a lost crayon, Inspired by the book 'The Day the Crayons Came Home,' by Drew Dewalt and Oliver Jeffers.
- Year 1 farewelled Miss Smith on her caravaning adventure up the East Coast of Australia. We loved giving her a delicious good bye party.
- Shorts Day was a cold, but a fabulous way to raise money and awareness for SpeekUp Stay ChatTY!
- Art has been one of our favouritre subjects, creating landscapes inspired by indigenous artists.
We can't wait for the adventures of Term 3!
Year 2
Term 2 has been full of new learning opportunities and growth for the Year 2 students. Some of our favourite activities have been...
- Learning about and applying the elements of drama to performances
- Making comic strips on our iPads
- Participating in daily reviews in Maths and a special masterclass by Jodan O'Sullivan
- Writing beautiful poems
- Getting involved in Daily PE with the Year 5's
- Jump rope for heart
- Learning how to write compound sentences with conjunctions
- Hosting assembly
- Having Robot Man visit the school
- Learning about transport, technology and communication changes in HASS
- Listening to and performing dreamtime stories
- Sharing the good news about Jesus through out graffiti wall
Year 3
Year 3 have wrapped up a jam-packed Term 2! We journeyed with Matilda, honing our narrative and persuasive writing skills. Our integrated unit transported us through time, exploring communities old and new. In Maths, we became map masters and conquered different calculation strategies. The fun didn't stop there – we aced Field Day, jumped for Jump Rope for Heart, and can't wait to celebrate Mount Carmel Day and the MCC Mini Fair!
Here's to a well-deserved break, Year 3!
See you for more adventures in Term 3!
Year 5
In Term 2, Year 5 have been learning about the Great Australian Gold Rush of the mid-1850's. They have been investigating how and why people came from all over the world to seek their fortune. They have learned of the impact of this mass migration on the environment, the first nations peoples and our country's democracy. The challenges which faced the government of the day and the miners who came to seek their fortunes.
Primary Debaters Wrap Up a Stellar Season!
The Year 5 and 6 debating teams wrapped up a fantastic season, their voices ringing loud after a term of impressive arguments. The Primary Debating competition is a valuable learning experience for the students. It fosters critical thinking, public speaking skills, and healthy competition. Every fortnight, students went head-to-head with other schools, and their lunchtime meetings and after-school practices were filled with research, strategy sessions, and persuasive speech development.
These dedicated debaters weren't just school stars – they poured their hearts into researching topics and crafting compelling arguments at home. We're incredibly proud of their hard work and commitment throughout the season.
Natalie Hall
Primary Music
Term 2 saw the beginning of a new choir for Years 2 and 3, the continuation of classroom music-making, composition and ensembles.
In Music class, Prep enjoy singing ‘hello’ in ten languages from countries connected to them. They performed it for Languages Week. Year 1 and Year 2 students sang the Counting Song: a song teaching the numbers in Japanese. Year 2 learned to play the accompaniment on xylophones and ukuleles.
Year 3 performed the hand percussion game, Arupusu from Japan. Year 5 learned how to compose using Chrome Music Lab and performed each other’s compositions using boom-whackers. Year 4 have been exploring pentatonic folk songs and learning the movements and dance that go with the songs.
Kinder students experienced the joy of story telling through song with There Was a Princess. This included dressing-up as horses. Early Years’ students were given the opportunity to play a range of percussion instruments with the cabasa being a favourite. They learned chants and songs. They enjoyed taking turns to hold a guitar.
Lunchtime Music Making
The Primary Choir performed Let it Go (not from Frozen) at the end of term assembly and are preparing two songs for the Arts’ Festival in Term 3.
Year 6 students have formed two pop music bands and look forward to performing the Arts’ Festival.
We welcomed Natalya Bing as the specialist string teacher to assist with the Primary string ensemble, Fiddlesticks, which is an afternoon group for students in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. Part of learning the violin or cello is learning to hold the bow which Natayla is teaching in this photo.